Translational opportunities and challenges of invasive electrodes for neural interfaces
Invasive brain–machine interfaces can restore motor, sensory and cognitive functions.
However, their clinical adoption has been hindered by the surgical risk of implantation and …
However, their clinical adoption has been hindered by the surgical risk of implantation and …
Bio-inspired flexible electronics for smart E-skin
Abstract “Learning from nature” provides endless inspiration for scientists to invent new
materials and devices. Here, we review state-of-the-art technologies in flexible electronics …
materials and devices. Here, we review state-of-the-art technologies in flexible electronics …
Toward a brain–neuromorphics interface
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) that enable human–machine interaction have immense
potential in restoring or augmenting human capabilities. Traditional BCIs are realized based …
potential in restoring or augmenting human capabilities. Traditional BCIs are realized based …
[HTML][HTML] Current state of the art and future directions for implantable sensors in medical technology: Clinical needs and engineering challenges
Implantable sensors have revolutionized the way we monitor biophysical and biochemical
parameters by enabling real-time closed-loop intervention or therapy. These technologies …
parameters by enabling real-time closed-loop intervention or therapy. These technologies …
Thin film magnetoelectric sensors toward biomagnetism: Materials, devices, and applications
Since the discovery of strong magnetoelectric (ME) coupling in two‐phase ME laminate
composites, strain mediated ME heterostructures have found practical applications in …
composites, strain mediated ME heterostructures have found practical applications in …
[HTML][HTML] Advances in AI-assisted biochip technology for biomedicine
The integration of biochips with AI opened up new possibilities and is expected to
revolutionize smart healthcare tools within the next five years. The combination of …
revolutionize smart healthcare tools within the next five years. The combination of …
Kinetics and physicochemical characteristics of electrodeposited PEDOT: PSS thin film growth
In bioelectronics, conducting polymer coatings allow the reduction of the impedance of
metallic electrodes and facilitate the translation of bioelectrical signals at their interface …
metallic electrodes and facilitate the translation of bioelectrical signals at their interface …
Advances in conductive hydrogels for neural recording and stimulation
The brain–computer interface (BCI) allows the human or animal brain to directly interact with
the external environment through the neural interfaces, thus playing the role of monitoring …
the external environment through the neural interfaces, thus playing the role of monitoring …
Deep learning-enhanced internet of medical things to analyze brain ct scans of hemorrhagic stroke patients: a new approach
Stroke is among the first pathologies that kill the most in the world, ranking second in deaths
from illness. Each year, around 16 million people worldwide are victims of this disease, with …
from illness. Each year, around 16 million people worldwide are victims of this disease, with …
Kernel Flux: a whole-head 432-magnetometer optically-pumped magnetoencephalography (OP-MEG) system for brain activity imaging during natural human …
MEG based on optically-pumped magnetometry (OP-MEG) operates with miniaturized,
wearable insulation, in contrast to massive cryogenic dewars for SQUID-MEG, and allows …
wearable insulation, in contrast to massive cryogenic dewars for SQUID-MEG, and allows …