Assessment of the impact of small-scale irrigation on household livelihood improvement at Gubalafto District, North Wollo, Ethiopia
D Mengistie, D Kidane - Agriculture, 2016 - mdpi.com
Ethiopia has been highly affected by drought and climate-related hazards, and millions of
people have been left without sustenance every year. To increase productivity and diversify …
people have been left without sustenance every year. To increase productivity and diversify …
Evaluating water productivity of tomato, pepper and Swiss chard under clay pot and furrow irrigation technologies in semi-arid areas of northern Ethiopia
AA Gebru, A Araya, S Habtu… - … Journal of Water, 2018 - inderscienceonline.com
Managing irrigation water is among the critical issues to address food insecurity under
climate change and variability conditions. Irrigation is suggested as one of the adaptation …
climate change and variability conditions. Irrigation is suggested as one of the adaptation …
[PDF][PDF] Vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change at Dabat and West Belesa Districts, North Gondar, Ethiopia
T Sisay - Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, 2016 - academia.edu
Earth Science & Climatic Change Page 1 Volume 7 • Issue 8 • 1000365 J Earth Sci Clim
Change, an open access journal ISSN: 2157-7617 Research Article Open Access Sisay, J …
Change, an open access journal ISSN: 2157-7617 Research Article Open Access Sisay, J …
[PDF][PDF] Observed and perceived Climate Change and Variability and Small Holder Farmers' vulnerability: the case of Janamora District, Northwestern Ethiopia
A Marelign, S Addisu, A Mekuriaw, B Dar, B Dar - J. Environ. Earth Sci, 2019 - core.ac.uk
In the context of observed climate change and variability and their impact on livelihoods;
This study intended to assess farmers' vulnerability to climate change and variability in …
This study intended to assess farmers' vulnerability to climate change and variability in …
Innovative irrigation water management: a strategy to increase yield and reduce salinity hazard of small scale irrigation in Ethiopia
DF Yohannes - 2020 - search.proquest.com
To address the problem of water scarcity and to achieve food self-sufficiency, huge efforts
and massive irrigation developments have been made in the last twenty-five years by the …
and massive irrigation developments have been made in the last twenty-five years by the …
IFAD Impact Assessment–Participatory Small Irrigation Development Programme I (Pasidp I): Results From a High Frequency Data Collection–Ethiopia
A Garbero, BB Chichaibelu - Available at SSRN 3389303, 2019 - papers.ssrn.com
This report presents the results of an ex-post impact assessment of the Participatory Small-
scale Irrigation Development Programme (PASIDP), a project financed by IFAD and …
scale Irrigation Development Programme (PASIDP), a project financed by IFAD and …
[PDF][PDF] Corona Virus, Climate Change, and Food Security
NT Meludu, T Abolade - African handbook of climate change adaptation, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) is a current pandemic causing lockdown
of cities and countries. The nature of this disease and the global cases are still considered …
of cities and countries. The nature of this disease and the global cases are still considered …
[PDF][PDF] Effects of climate variability on water resources and livelihoods and state of adaptive capacity in semi-arid Tharaka district, Kenya
CW Recha - Unpublished PhD Thesis, Kenyatta University, Kenya, 2013 - ir-library.ku.ac.ke
The impacts of climate variability are manifested in floods, prolonged drought, unseasonal
rains and extreme climatic events, and create enormous developmental challenges to …
rains and extreme climatic events, and create enormous developmental challenges to …
[PDF][PDF] Analysing the impacts of Covid-19 on water resources and household food security
NT Meludu, PO Akaninyene - University-Led Knowledge and …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Water is needed for the survival of humans, animals and plants for sustainable livelihood.
Clean water has been so scarce especially in the rural areas for household consumption …
Clean water has been so scarce especially in the rural areas for household consumption …
Use of seasonal climate forecast and drought effects on livestock assets in Baringo County, Kenya
R Ochieng - 2018 - ir-library.egerton.ac.ke
Increased frequency, severity and duration of drought events in arid and semi-arid regions
(ASALs) of Kenyan increase scarcity in water and pastures that support livestock assets …
(ASALs) of Kenyan increase scarcity in water and pastures that support livestock assets …