A tutorial on fluid antenna system for 6G networks: Encompassing communication theory, optimization methods and hardware designs
The advent of the sixth-generation (6G) networks presents another round of revolution for
the mobile communication landscape, promising an immersive experience, robust reliability …
the mobile communication landscape, promising an immersive experience, robust reliability …
Recent progress in dielectric resonator antenna: Materials, designs, fabrications, and their performance
Dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) has secured an esteemed position in the field of
antenna engineering technology due to its versatile features, including compactness, light …
antenna engineering technology due to its versatile features, including compactness, light …
Liquid antennas: Past, present and future
The liquid antenna, as a new member of the antenna family, has drawn significant and
increasing attention from both academia and industry due to its unique features. In this …
increasing attention from both academia and industry due to its unique features. In this …
Design and implementation of mmWave surface wave enabled fluid antennas and experimental results for fluid antenna multiple access
While multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technologies continue to advance, concerns
arise as to how MIMO can remain scalable if more users are to be accommodated with an …
arise as to how MIMO can remain scalable if more users are to be accommodated with an …
[HTML][HTML] Intelligent metasurface based antenna with pattern and beam reconfigurability for internet of things applications
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) devices are distributed randomly in the environment,
antennas with multiple switched beams are needed to unlock the full potential of …
antennas with multiple switched beams are needed to unlock the full potential of …
A multi-stable deployable quadrifilar helix antenna with radiation reconfigurability for disaster-prone areas
In disaster-prone areas, damaged infrastructure requires impromptu communications
leveraging lightweight and adaptive antennas. Accordingly, we introduce a bi-stable …
leveraging lightweight and adaptive antennas. Accordingly, we introduce a bi-stable …
Miniaturized, vertically polarized, pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna and its phased array for wide-angle beam steering
This article presents a novel metamaterial-inspired, miniaturized, vertically polarized (VP),
pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator (DR) antenna/phased array for sub-6 GHz fifth …
pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator (DR) antenna/phased array for sub-6 GHz fifth …
A frequency-reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna with a water layer
This letter introduces a frequency-reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with
water layer integration. The proposed method is based on the strategy combination of mode …
water layer integration. The proposed method is based on the strategy combination of mode …
Review on multifunctional pattern and polarization reconfigurable antennas
This paper presents a detailed review of multifunctional pattern and polarization
reconfigurable antennas, highlighting their potential to enhance performance of the wireless …
reconfigurable antennas, highlighting their potential to enhance performance of the wireless …
Metamaterial-based, vertically polarized, miniaturized beam-steering antenna for reconfigurable sub-6 GHz applications
A miniaturized, vertically polarized (VP), pattern switchable/beam-steering antenna based
on a metamaterial radiator is presented for sub-6 GHz applications. Different from the …
on a metamaterial radiator is presented for sub-6 GHz applications. Different from the …