Group actions on graphs, maps and surfaces with maximum symmetry

MDE Conder - Groups St. Andrews 2001 in Oxford, 2003 -
This is a summary of a short course of lectures given at the Groups St Andrews conference
in Oxford, August 2001, on the significant role of combinatorial group theory in the study of …

Applications of group amalgams to algebraic graph theory

AA Ivanov, SV Shpectorov - … in algebraic theory of combinatorial objects, 1994 - Springer
We start with an example. Let Γ be a graph and G be a subgroup of its automorphism group.
The group G is said to act s-transitively on Γ if it acts transitively on the set of paths of length …

A surprising isomorphism

M Conder - Journal of Algebra, 1990 - Elsevier
Abstract The group 4+(a 12), as described by N. Biggs in “Computational Group Theory”(M.
Atkinson, Ed., pp. 57–63, Academic Press, San Diego, CA/London, 1984) is a finitely …

An infinite family of 4-arc-transitive cubic graphs each with girth 12

M Conder - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 1989 -
If p is any prime, and θ is that automorphism of the group SL (3, p) which takes each matrix
to the transpose of its inverse, then there exists a connected trivalent graph Γ (p) on 1 12 p 3 …

A note on groups associated with 4-arc-transitive cubic graphs

M Conder, M Morton - Bulletin of the London Mathematical …, 1990 -
A cubic (trivalent) graph Γ is said to be 4-arc-transitive if its automorphism group acts
transitively on the 4-arcs of Γ (where a 4-arc is a sequence v 0, v 1,… v 4 of vertices of Γ …

[PDF][PDF] Group Theory Permutation Groups

MR MR1803234 -
Group Theory Permutation Groups Page 1 Group Theory Permutation Groups 20Bxx [1]
Edith Adan-Bante and Helena Verrill, Symmetric groups and conjugacy classes, J. Group …

[PDF][PDF] Permutation Groups

MR MR1803234 -
Permutation Groups Page 1 Permutation Groups 20Bxx [1] Edith Adan-Bante and Helena
Verrill, Symmetric groups and conjugacy classes, J. Group Theory 11 (2008), no. 3, 371–379 …

[CITAS][C] Generalized polygons and s-transitive graphs

R Weiss - Finite geometries, buildings, and related topics …, 1990