Policy challenges to community energy in the EU: A systematic review of the scientific literature

H Busch, S Ruggiero, A Isakovic, T Hansen - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2021 - Elsevier
In response to the ongoing climate crisis, many countries have issued policies to support the
uptake of renewable energy. In the same vein, the European Union (EU) has issued a …

Culture, values, lifestyles, and power in energy futures: A critical peer-to-peer vision for renewable energy

J Ruotsalainen, J Karjalainen, M Child… - Energy Research & …, 2017 - Elsevier
Energy is not solely a techno-economic question, but has implications for the whole of
society–its culture, values, lifestyles, and power structures. Changes in energy systems …

[HTML][HTML] Visions for small-scale renewable energy production on Finnish farms–A Delphi study on the opportunities for new business

P Rikkonen, P Tapio, H Rintamäki - Energy Policy, 2019 - Elsevier
The future of the energy system in many countries is characterised by a balance between
centralised and distributed systems. Besides producing food, farms possess biomass and …

The role of solar photovoltaics and energy storage solutions in a 100% renewable energy system for Finland in 2050

M Child, T Haukkala, C Breyer - Sustainability, 2017 - mdpi.com
There are several barriers to achieving an energy system based entirely on renewable
energy (RE) in Finland, not the least of which is doubt that high capacities of solar …

Using a multi-method approach for decision-making about a sustainable local distributed energy system: A case study from Finland

S Väisänen, M Mikkilä, J Havukainen, L Sokka… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2016 - Elsevier
Distributed energy systems (DESY) are used in many households as an alternative to
conventional centralized energy production. While centralized energy production does offer …

[HTML][HTML] Promotion of RES in a Technology Transfer Network. Case Study of the Enterprise Europe Network

Z Gródek-Szostak, M Luc, A Szeląg-Sikora, J Sikora… - Energies, 2020 - mdpi.com
The promotion of renewable energy is a key concept in the European Union for both
environmental and economic reasons. It contributes to securing the objectives set out in the …

Implementation, evaluation, and optimization strategies of Smart Energy Systems and Local Energy Communities in an urban area: a case study of a town in the …

E Corradi - 2023 - iris.univpm.it
Urban areas occupy 3% of the Earth's surface and consume 75% of the natural resources,
producing 60-80% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. From this data, there is the …

Сприяння розвитку малого і середнього бізнесу, трансферу і комерціалізації технологій через співпрацю з національним консорціумом EEN-Ukraine

ОВ Розгон - 2024 - openarchive.nure.ua
Анотація Наукова робота присвячена правовому аналізу сприяння розвитку інновацій,
малого і середнього бізнесу, трансферу і комерціалізації технологій. Особлива увага …

[PDF][PDF] Biomass Resource Allocation for Bioenergy Production on Cutaway Peatlands with Geographical Information (GI) Analyses

K Laasasenaho - 2019 - trepo.tuni.fi
The PhD studies have been the most giving adventure for me. During these 5 years, I have
learnt about life more than ever. In one point, I said to my wife that it could be possible to …

[PDF][PDF] Turpeen tuotannosta vapautuvat suopohjat voisivat tukea maaseudun bioenergiantuotantoa: Lectio praecursoria Tampereen yliopistossa 19.12. 2019

K Laasasenaho - Maaseutututkimus, 2020 - journal.fi
Turvesuo on ollut luonnontilainen ennen ihmistoimintaa. Suo on saattanut kehittyä ja
kasvattaa turvekerrosta tuhansia vuosia esimerkiksi viime jääkaudesta lähtien. Yleensä …