Policy challenges to community energy in the EU: A systematic review of the scientific literature
In response to the ongoing climate crisis, many countries have issued policies to support the
uptake of renewable energy. In the same vein, the European Union (EU) has issued a …
uptake of renewable energy. In the same vein, the European Union (EU) has issued a …
Culture, values, lifestyles, and power in energy futures: A critical peer-to-peer vision for renewable energy
Energy is not solely a techno-economic question, but has implications for the whole of
society–its culture, values, lifestyles, and power structures. Changes in energy systems …
society–its culture, values, lifestyles, and power structures. Changes in energy systems …
[HTML][HTML] Visions for small-scale renewable energy production on Finnish farms–A Delphi study on the opportunities for new business
P Rikkonen, P Tapio, H Rintamäki - Energy Policy, 2019 - Elsevier
The future of the energy system in many countries is characterised by a balance between
centralised and distributed systems. Besides producing food, farms possess biomass and …
centralised and distributed systems. Besides producing food, farms possess biomass and …
The role of solar photovoltaics and energy storage solutions in a 100% renewable energy system for Finland in 2050
There are several barriers to achieving an energy system based entirely on renewable
energy (RE) in Finland, not the least of which is doubt that high capacities of solar …
energy (RE) in Finland, not the least of which is doubt that high capacities of solar …
Using a multi-method approach for decision-making about a sustainable local distributed energy system: A case study from Finland
Distributed energy systems (DESY) are used in many households as an alternative to
conventional centralized energy production. While centralized energy production does offer …
conventional centralized energy production. While centralized energy production does offer …
[HTML][HTML] Promotion of RES in a Technology Transfer Network. Case Study of the Enterprise Europe Network
The promotion of renewable energy is a key concept in the European Union for both
environmental and economic reasons. It contributes to securing the objectives set out in the …
environmental and economic reasons. It contributes to securing the objectives set out in the …
Implementation, evaluation, and optimization strategies of Smart Energy Systems and Local Energy Communities in an urban area: a case study of a town in the …
E Corradi - 2023 - iris.univpm.it
Urban areas occupy 3% of the Earth's surface and consume 75% of the natural resources,
producing 60-80% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. From this data, there is the …
producing 60-80% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. From this data, there is the …
Сприяння розвитку малого і середнього бізнесу, трансферу і комерціалізації технологій через співпрацю з національним консорціумом EEN-Ukraine
ОВ Розгон - 2024 - openarchive.nure.ua
Анотація Наукова робота присвячена правовому аналізу сприяння розвитку інновацій,
малого і середнього бізнесу, трансферу і комерціалізації технологій. Особлива увага …
малого і середнього бізнесу, трансферу і комерціалізації технологій. Особлива увага …
[PDF][PDF] Biomass Resource Allocation for Bioenergy Production on Cutaway Peatlands with Geographical Information (GI) Analyses
K Laasasenaho - 2019 - trepo.tuni.fi
The PhD studies have been the most giving adventure for me. During these 5 years, I have
learnt about life more than ever. In one point, I said to my wife that it could be possible to …
learnt about life more than ever. In one point, I said to my wife that it could be possible to …
[PDF][PDF] Turpeen tuotannosta vapautuvat suopohjat voisivat tukea maaseudun bioenergiantuotantoa: Lectio praecursoria Tampereen yliopistossa 19.12. 2019
K Laasasenaho - Maaseutututkimus, 2020 - journal.fi
Turvesuo on ollut luonnontilainen ennen ihmistoimintaa. Suo on saattanut kehittyä ja
kasvattaa turvekerrosta tuhansia vuosia esimerkiksi viime jääkaudesta lähtien. Yleensä …
kasvattaa turvekerrosta tuhansia vuosia esimerkiksi viime jääkaudesta lähtien. Yleensä …