A Systematic Review on Digital Transformation and Organizational Performance in Higher Education.

R Ramadania, Y Hartijasti… - International …, 2024‏ - search.ebscohost.com
This study aims to conduct a systematic literature review on digital transformation and
organizational performance in higher education. By reviewing 183 publications obtained …

[HTML][HTML] Design framework based on TEC21 educational model and Education 4.0 implemented in a Capstone Project: A case study of an electric vehicle suspension …

HA López, P Ponce, A Molina, MS Ramírez-Montoya… - Sustainability, 2021‏ - mdpi.com
Nowadays, engineering students have to improve specific competencies to tackle the
challenges of 21st-century-industry, referred to as Industry 4.0. Hence, this article describes …

Ensuring knowledge sustainability in a digital era: Empowering digital transformation through digital educational leadership

C Connolly, E O'Brien, TJ O'Ceallaigh - Technology, Knowledge and …, 2023‏ - Springer
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the educational sector as a whole reflecting on
traditional models of education, particularly in the context of inclusive and flexible …

[HTML][HTML] Hyflex Pedagogies: Nurturing teacher presence in multi-modal learning spaces post pandemic

TJ O'Ceallaigh, C Connolly… - Routledge Open …, 2023‏ - routledgeopenresearch.org
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the demand for new modes of teaching and learning.
One such approach is Hybrid-Flexible or HyFlex. Utilising a HyFlex model, teachers teach …

A five-year bibliometric analysis of Education 4.0 and direction for Education 5.0 future research

NBZ Abidin, NAM Jan, AZ Othman… - International Journal of …, 2023‏ - ijlter.net
Education 4.0 is a conceptual education framework for current generations. The evolution of
education has continued to evolve, which in turn creates a research niche for innovation …

[HTML][HTML] Подготовка специалистов в области инновационных финансовых технологий в России

АА Цыганов, СВ Бровчак, ЮА Горелова… - Высшее образование …, 2022‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Популярность финансовых технологий среди населения и абитуриентов побуждает
высшие учебные заведения формировать образовательные программы, к которым …

A meeting place for meaningful collaboration–student teachers' experiences and learning

MB Postholm - Educational Research, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
Background Internationally, teacher education usually involves close school-university
cooperation. In Norway, such collaboration includes enabling student teachers to develop …

Departmental leadership and peer pressure on academic research performance at universities in emerging countries: An empirical study in Vietnam

N Nguyen, L Pham, S Cox, N Bui - Journal of University …, 2021‏ - search.informit.org
Research performance of lecturers in higher education institutions has become an important
topic but many variables are still largely unexplored in current literature. The main objective …

[HTML][HTML] Особенности подготовки кадров для страховой отрасли на примере вузов Сибири

ЕЛ Прокопьева, АА Цыганов - Перспективы науки и образования, 2022‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Введение. В настоящее время наблюдается противоречие между текущими кадровыми
потребностями страховых организаций, преимущественно нуждающимися в развитии …

[HTML][HTML] Профессиональное сетевое сообщество подготовки кадров по работе с молодёжью: предпосылки создания и концептуальная рамка

ЕМ Харланова, ЕВ Широкова… - Высшее …, 2021‏ - cyberleninka.ru
В настоящее время, в условиях перехода к гибридному образованию востребованы
новые сетевые формы коммуникации и взаимодействия педагогов, студентов …