[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing of forest burnt area, burn severity, and post-fire recovery: A review
E Kurbanov, O Vorobev, S Lezhnin, J Sha, J Wang… - Remote Sensing, 2022 - mdpi.com
Wildland fires dramatically affect forest ecosystems, altering the loss of their biodiversity and
their sustainability. In addition, they have a strong impact on the global carbon balance and …
their sustainability. In addition, they have a strong impact on the global carbon balance and …
[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing techniques to assess post-fire vegetation recovery
Wildfires substantially disrupt and reshape the structure, composition and functioning of
ecosystems. Monitoring post-fire recovery dynamics is crucial for evaluating resilience and …
ecosystems. Monitoring post-fire recovery dynamics is crucial for evaluating resilience and …
Wildfire risk science facilitates adaptation of fire-prone social-ecological systems to the new fire reality
Large and severe wildfires are an observable consequence of an increasingly arid
American West. There is increasing consensus that human communities, land managers …
American West. There is increasing consensus that human communities, land managers …
Potential operational delineations: new horizons for proactive, risk-informed strategic land and fire management
Abstract Background The PODs (potential operational delineations) concept is an adaptive
framework for cross-boundary and collaborative land and fire management planning. Use of …
framework for cross-boundary and collaborative land and fire management planning. Use of …
Strategic wildfire response decision support and the risk management assistance program
In 2016, the USDA Forest Service, the largest wildfire management organization in the
world, initiated the risk management assistance (RMA) program to improve the quality of …
world, initiated the risk management assistance (RMA) program to improve the quality of …
Consequential lightning-caused wildfires and the “let burn” narrative
Background Current guidance for implementation of United States federal wildland fire
policy charges agencies with restoring and maintaining fire-adapted ecosystems while …
policy charges agencies with restoring and maintaining fire-adapted ecosystems while …
Determination of burn severity models ranging from regional to national scales for the conterminous United States
Identifying meaningful measures of ecological change over large areas is dependent on the
quantification of robust relationships between ecological metrics and remote sensing …
quantification of robust relationships between ecological metrics and remote sensing …
[HTML][HTML] Large wildfire driven increases in nighttime fire activity observed across CONUS from 2003–2020
Despite the ecological and socioeconomic impacts of wildfires, little attention has been paid
to the spatiotemporal patterns of nighttime fire activity across the conterminous United States …
to the spatiotemporal patterns of nighttime fire activity across the conterminous United States …
Snag dynamics and surface fuel loads in the Sierra Nevada: Predicting the impact of the 2012–2016 drought
Forest die-backs linked to extreme droughts are expected to increase as the climate dries
and warms. An example is the 2012–2016 hotter drought in California that induced …
and warms. An example is the 2012–2016 hotter drought in California that induced …
Risk management and analytics in wildfire response
Abstract Purpose of Review The objectives of this paper are to briefly review basic risk
management and analytics concepts, describe their nexus in relation to wildfire response …
management and analytics concepts, describe their nexus in relation to wildfire response …