Big data driven marine environment information forecasting: a time series prediction network
The continuous development of industry big data technology requires better computing
methods to discover the data value. Information forecast, as an important part of data mining …
methods to discover the data value. Information forecast, as an important part of data mining …
Comprehensive analysis of various big data classification techniques: A challenging overview
Data over the internet has been increasing everyday, and automatic mining of essential
information from an enormous amount of data has become a challenging task today for an …
information from an enormous amount of data has become a challenging task today for an …
FDM: Fuzzy-optimized data management technique for improving big data analytics
Big data analytics and processing require complex architectures and sophisticated
techniques for extracting useful information from the accumulated information. Visualizing …
techniques for extracting useful information from the accumulated information. Visualizing …
Fuzzy rule-based explainer systems for deep neural networks: From local explainability to global understanding
Explainability of deep neural networks has been receiving increasing attention with regard
to auditability and trustworthiness purposes. Of the various post-hoc explainability …
to auditability and trustworthiness purposes. Of the various post-hoc explainability …
Multi-task allocation in mobile crowd sensing with mobility prediction
Mobile crowd sensing (MCS) is a popular sensing paradigm that leverages the power of
massive mobile workers to perform various location-based sensing tasks. To assign workers …
massive mobile workers to perform various location-based sensing tasks. To assign workers …
Versatile internet of things for agriculture: an explainable ai approach
The increase of the adoption of IoT devices and the contemporary problem of food
production have given rise to numerous applications of IoT in agriculture. These applications …
production have given rise to numerous applications of IoT in agriculture. These applications …
IFC-BD: an interpretable fuzzy classifier for boosting explainable artificial intelligence in big data
In current Data Science applications, the course of action has derived to adapt the system
behavior for the human cognition, resulting in the emerging area of explainable artificial …
behavior for the human cognition, resulting in the emerging area of explainable artificial …
An accelerator for rule induction in fuzzy rough theory
Rule-based classifier, that extract a subset of induced rules to efficiently learn/mine while
preserving the discernibility information, plays a crucial role in human-explainable artificial …
preserving the discernibility information, plays a crucial role in human-explainable artificial …
Designing distributed fuzzy rule-based models
In the design of fuzzy rule-based models, in the presence of high-dimensional data, we are
faced with conceptual and algorithmic challenges. Conceptually, as the dimensionality of …
faced with conceptual and algorithmic challenges. Conceptually, as the dimensionality of …
A survey on big data classification
G Keerthana - Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2025 - Elsevier
Big data refers to vast volumes of structured and unstructured data that are too large or
complex for traditional data-processing methods to handle efficiently. The importance of big …
complex for traditional data-processing methods to handle efficiently. The importance of big …