Geological realism in hydrogeological and geophysical inverse modeling: A review
Scientific curiosity, exploration of georesources and environmental concerns are pushing
the geoscientific research community toward subsurface investigations of ever-increasing …
the geoscientific research community toward subsurface investigations of ever-increasing …
Application of geostatistical methods to groundwater salinization problems: A review
Groundwater salinization is considered to be one of the most severe and complex
phenomena affecting coastal regions worldwide, occurring when high concentrations of …
phenomena affecting coastal regions worldwide, occurring when high concentrations of …
Geospatial and statistical interpolation of geotechnical data for modeling zonation maps of Islamabad, Pakistan
This study aims to create soil zonation maps (SZM) using a spatial interpolation approach
relying on vast geotechnical subsoil data gathered through field and laboratory analysis …
relying on vast geotechnical subsoil data gathered through field and laboratory analysis …
Geospatial intelligence in geotechnical engineering: a comprehensive investigation into SPT-N, soil types, and undrained shear strength for enhanced site …
The primary challenges in metropolitan planning, selection of sites, and develo**
preemptive safety measures lie in the characterization and precise appraisal of underground …
preemptive safety measures lie in the characterization and precise appraisal of underground …
[KNIHA][B] Aquifer characterization techniques
RG Maliva - 2016 - Springer
This book is an outgrowth of an investigation of the state of the art in aquifer characterization
techniques. The focus is on what is possible and practical from an applied perspective. The …
techniques. The focus is on what is possible and practical from an applied perspective. The …
Anthropogenic pollution and variability of manganese in alluvial sediments of the Yellow River, Ningxia, northwest China
Heavy metal pollution of sediments is a global concern and can be a serious problem in
heavily industrialized parts of the world. Pollution by manganese is particularly common due …
heavily industrialized parts of the world. Pollution by manganese is particularly common due …
Simulation of Earth textures by conditional image quilting
Training image‐based approaches for stochastic simulations have recently gained attention
in surface and subsurface hydrology. This family of methods allows the creation of multiple …
in surface and subsurface hydrology. This family of methods allows the creation of multiple …
Locality-based 3-D multiple-point statistics reconstruction using 2-D geological cross sections
Multiple-point statistics (MPS) has shown promise in representing complicated subsurface
structures. For a practical three-dimensional (3-D) application, however, one of the critical …
structures. For a practical three-dimensional (3-D) application, however, one of the critical …
Transition probability‐based stochastic geological modeling using airborne geophysical data and borehole data
Geological heterogeneity is a very important factor to consider when develo** geological
models for hydrological purposes. Using statistically based stochastic geological …
models for hydrological purposes. Using statistically based stochastic geological …
Uncertainty in training image‐based inversion of hydraulic head data constrained to ERT data: Workflow and case study
In inverse problems, investigating uncertainty in the posterior distribution of model
parameters is as important as matching data. In recent years, most efforts have focused on …
parameters is as important as matching data. In recent years, most efforts have focused on …