Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications
W annier90 is an open-source computer program for calculating maximally-localised
Wannier functions (MLWFs) from a set of Bloch states. It is interfaced to many widely used …
Wannier functions (MLWFs) from a set of Bloch states. It is interfaced to many widely used …
Z2Pack: Numerical implementation of hybrid Wannier centers for identifying topological materials
The intense theoretical and experimental interest in topological insulators and semimetals
has established band structure topology as a fundamental material property. Consequently …
has established band structure topology as a fundamental material property. Consequently …
Anyonic topological order in twisted equivariant differential (TED) K-theory
While the classification of noninteracting crystalline topological insulator phases by
equivariant K-theory has become widely accepted, its generalization to anyonic interacting …
equivariant K-theory has become widely accepted, its generalization to anyonic interacting …
Wannier functions and invariants in time-reversal symmetric topological insulators
We provide a constructive proof of exponentially localized Wannier functions and related
Bloch frames in 1-and 2-dimensional time-reversal symmetric (TRS) topological insulators …
Bloch frames in 1-and 2-dimensional time-reversal symmetric (TRS) topological insulators …
Topological bloch oscillations
Bloch oscillations originate from the translational symmetry of crystals. These oscillations
occur with a fundamental period that a semiclassical wave packet takes to traverse a …
occur with a fundamental period that a semiclassical wave packet takes to traverse a …
Optimal decay of Wannier functions in Chern and quantum Hall insulators
We investigate the localization properties of independent electrons in a periodic
background, possibly including a periodic magnetic field, as eg in Chern insulators and in …
background, possibly including a periodic magnetic field, as eg in Chern insulators and in …
Invariants of Topological Insulators as Geometric Obstructions
We consider a gapped periodic quantum system with time-reversal symmetry of fermionic (or
odd) type, ie the time-reversal operator squares to-1-1. We investigate the existence of …
odd) type, ie the time-reversal operator squares to-1-1. We investigate the existence of …
On the construction of composite Wannier functions
We give a constructive proof for the existence of a Bloch basis of rank NN which is both
smooth (real analytic) and periodic with respect to its d d-dimensional quasi-momenta, when …
smooth (real analytic) and periodic with respect to its d d-dimensional quasi-momenta, when …
Robust determination of maximally localized Wannier functions
We propose an algorithm to determine maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs). This
algorithm, based on recent theoretical developments, does not require any physical input …
algorithm, based on recent theoretical developments, does not require any physical input …
Symmetry and localization in periodic crystals: triviality of Bloch bundles with a fermionic time-reversal symmetry
We describe some applications of group-and bundle-theoretic methods in solid state
physics, showing how symmetries lead to a proof of the localization of electrons in gapped …
physics, showing how symmetries lead to a proof of the localization of electrons in gapped …