Effectiveness of interventions adopting a whole school approach to enhancing social and emotional development: a meta-analysis
JM Goldberg, M Sklad, TR Elfrink… - European Journal of …, 2019 - Springer
This article presents findings from a meta-analysis which sought to determine the
effectiveness of interventions adopting a whole school approach to enhancing children and …
effectiveness of interventions adopting a whole school approach to enhancing children and …
Evaluation of a manual-based programme for the promotion of social and emotional skills in elementary school children: results from a 4-year study in Portugal
P Moreira, L Crusellas, I Sá, P Gomes… - Health promotion …, 2010 - academic.oup.com
The promotion of socio-emotional skills in educational contexts is highly beneficial to
individuals' global adjustment and development. Evaluation research suggests that …
individuals' global adjustment and development. Evaluation research suggests that …
The effect of pranayamic breathing as a positive psychology exercise on foreign language learning anxiety and test anxiety among language learners at tertiary level
This study investigated the impact of pranayamic breathing (PB) as a positive psychology
exercise on mitigating foreign language anxiety (FLLA) and test anxiety (TA) of …
exercise on mitigating foreign language anxiety (FLLA) and test anxiety (TA) of …
“Giant Leap 1”: A Social and Emotional Learning program's effects on the transition to first grade
K Correia, A Marques-Pinto - Children and youth services review, 2016 - Elsevier
This study analyzed how student characteristics influenced the effects of a Social and
Emotional Learning (SEL) program implemented in the first grade. A total of 14 teachers and …
Emotional Learning (SEL) program implemented in the first grade. A total of 14 teachers and …
[HTML][HTML] Long-term impact of the promotion of social and emotional skills
PAS Moreira, S Jacinto, P Pinheiro… - Psicologia: Reflexão e …, 2014 - SciELO Brasil
Social and emotional skills are protective factors against several negative functioning
indicators. A current challenge on social and emotional skills research is to descrive of the …
indicators. A current challenge on social and emotional skills research is to descrive of the …
[PDF][PDF] Sociale opbrengsten van onderwijs
AB Dijkstra - Rede. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA, 2012 - pure.uva.nl
... is inzicht nodig in wat sociale opbrengsten precies zijn,... is een helder kader nodig
waarbinnen over sociale opbrengsten kan worden nagedacht,... is inzicht nodig in wat de …
waarbinnen over sociale opbrengsten kan worden nagedacht,... is inzicht nodig in wat de …
" Devagar Se Vai Ao Longe": Avaliação Da eficácia e Da Qualidade Da implementação De Um Programa De promoção De competências sócioemocionais Em …
RCP Raimundo - 2012 - search.proquest.com
O objetivo principal desta dissertação foi investigar o impacto e a qualidade da
implementação do programa de promoção de competências sócioemocionais “Devagar se …
implementação do programa de promoção de competências sócioemocionais “Devagar se …
[PDF][PDF] PROTOCOL: Practices and program components for enhancing prosocial behavior in children and youth: A systematic review
Protocol: Practices and Program Components for Enhancing Prosocial Behavior in Children and
Youth: A Systematic Review Page 1 Protocol: Practices and Program Components for …
Youth: A Systematic Review Page 1 Protocol: Practices and Program Components for …
Teachers' professional role in children's social relations: Outcome of a personal and social education programme in Greek schools
E Antoniadou, I Bibou-Nakou - Advances in School Mental Health …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This paper focuses on primary school teachers' reflections on their professional role in
relation to the implementation of a school-based mental health education programme …
relation to the implementation of a school-based mental health education programme …
Vyresniojo mokyklinio amžiaus mokinių socialinių emocinių gebėjimų ugdymas per kūno kultūros pamokas
A Akelaitis - 2017 - vb.lsu.lt
Abstract [eng] Relevance of research topic. The education of social emotional skills is
particularly important during adolescence because youth at this stage are going through …
particularly important during adolescence because youth at this stage are going through …