Renewable energy, nonrenewable energy, and environmental quality nexus: An investigation of the N-shaped Environmental Kuznets Curve based on six …
The current research evaluated the role of non-renewable and renewable energy
consumption in environmental sustainability following the N-shaped Environmental Kuznets …
consumption in environmental sustainability following the N-shaped Environmental Kuznets …
Environmental impact of globalization: The case of central and Eastern European emerging economies
Against the backdrop of piling environmental concerns in the modern era of globalization,
this study aims to check the validity of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH) in Eastern …
this study aims to check the validity of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH) in Eastern …
Pollution concern during globalization mode in financially resource-rich countries: do financial development, natural resources, and renewable energy consumption …
The question still remains whether financial development, natural resources, and energy
consumption can successfully alleviate environmental pollution during the mode of …
consumption can successfully alleviate environmental pollution during the mode of …
Linking financial development, economic growth, and ecological footprint: what is the role of technological innovation?
The literature analyzing the ecological impacts of financial development (FD) documents
mixed results. In addition, very limited researches consider the role of technological …
mixed results. In addition, very limited researches consider the role of technological …
Do technological innovations have symmetric or asymmetric effects on environmental quality? Evidence from Pakistan
Technological innovation has played an important role in the socio-economic development
of societies but, this development has come with some potential hazards to the environment …
of societies but, this development has come with some potential hazards to the environment …
[PDF][PDF] Carbon emission dynamics in India due to financial development, renewable energy utilization, technological innovation, economic growth, and urbanization
A Raihan, LC Voumik - Journal of Environmental Science and …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Concerns about climate change, emission reduction, and environmental sustainability have
become crucial in accomplishing long-term development goals. The present study explored …
become crucial in accomplishing long-term development goals. The present study explored …
The role of financial development and globalization in the environment: accounting ecological footprint indicators for selected one-belt-one-road initiative countries
The pressure of globalization on our ecosystem is widely debated, and academics and
researchers urge clear policies at all levels. In this regard, a plethora of research work use …
researchers urge clear policies at all levels. In this regard, a plethora of research work use …
[PDF][PDF] Energy trails of tourism: analyzing the relationship between tourist arrivals and energy consumption in Malaysia
This study aims to investigate the long-term relationship between Malaysian tourism, energy
consumption, and their association with economic growth, and financial development, using …
consumption, and their association with economic growth, and financial development, using …
Articulating natural resource abundance, economic complexity, education and environmental sustainability in MENA countries: Evidence from advanced panel …
The most crucial area of intense debate among economists to prevent environmental
deterioration due to global climate change is structural transformation and natural resource …
deterioration due to global climate change is structural transformation and natural resource …
ICT and education as determinants of environmental quality: The role of financial development in selected Asian countries
Rising environmental concerns due to extensive energy consumption and carbon emission
in the process of develo** information communication and technology (ICT) cannot be …
in the process of develo** information communication and technology (ICT) cannot be …