Confusion reigns? A review of marine megafauna interactions with tidal-stream environments
Energetic tidal-stream environments are characterized by frequent, variable, yet broadly
predictable currents containing ephemeral flow structures that change across multiple spatio …
predictable currents containing ephemeral flow structures that change across multiple spatio …
Fluvial dunes: initiation, characterization, flow structure
SE Coleman, VI Nikora - Earth Surface processes and …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Research into fluvial dunes spans disciplines, studies at grain to reach scales, and
methodological approaches that include theoretical, experimental, numerical and field …
methodological approaches that include theoretical, experimental, numerical and field …
Large-eddy simulation in hydraulics
Numerical computation methods are used more and more as tools for solving hydraulic and
environmental engineering problems, and as turbulence mostly plays an important role in …
environmental engineering problems, and as turbulence mostly plays an important role in …
Numerical simulation of turbulence and sediment transport of medium sand
MW Schmeeckle - Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
A model of sand transport in water is produced by combining a turbulence‐resolving large
eddy simulation (LES) with a discrete element model (DEM) prescribing the motion of …
eddy simulation (LES) with a discrete element model (DEM) prescribing the motion of …
A mass transfer-based LES modelling methodology for analyzing the movement of submarine sediment flows with extensive shear behavior
This study employs the large-eddy simulation (LES) method to investigate the interaction of
submarine sediment flows with extensive shear behavior and ambient water. This method is …
submarine sediment flows with extensive shear behavior and ambient water. This method is …
Flow structure and resistance over subaquaeous high‐and low‐angle dunes
A prominent control on the flow over subaqueous dunes is the slope of the downstream
leeside. While previous work has focused on steep (~ 30°), asymmetric dunes with …
leeside. While previous work has focused on steep (~ 30°), asymmetric dunes with …
Impact of environmental turbulence on the performance and loadings of a tidal stream turbine
A large-eddy simulation (LES) of a laboratory-scale horizontal axis tidal stream turbine
operating over an irregular bathymetry in the form of dunes is performed. The Reynolds …
operating over an irregular bathymetry in the form of dunes is performed. The Reynolds …
A comparative experimental and multiphysics computational fluid dynamics study of coupled surface–subsurface flow in bed forms
The use of multiphysics computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approaches to simulate surface–
subsurface flow processes is evaluated by comparison with flume experiments on current …
subsurface flow processes is evaluated by comparison with flume experiments on current …
Live-bed scour at submerged weirs
Weirs or bed sills are low-head hydraulic structures used for bed stabilization, raising
upstream water level, and reducing flow velocity. During high-flow events, the weir is fully …
upstream water level, and reducing flow velocity. During high-flow events, the weir is fully …
Large-eddy simulation in hydraulics: Quo Vadis?
T Stoesser - Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The method of large-eddy simulation (LES) is used increasingly to address research and
engineering problems of modern hydraulics. LES simulates directly the large-scale motion of …
engineering problems of modern hydraulics. LES simulates directly the large-scale motion of …