Critical review of salinity intrusion in rivers and estuaries
R Mohammed, M Scholz - Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2018 - iwaponline.com
There is scientific evidence of accelerated sea level rise and saline intrusion. Some impacts,
such as stratification and estuarine circulation, are subtle; others are dramatic including …
such as stratification and estuarine circulation, are subtle; others are dramatic including …
Propagation of uncertainty from observing systems and NWP into hydrological models: COST‐731 Working Group 2
The COST‐731 action is focused on uncertainty propagation in hydrometeorologica l
forecasting chains. Goals and activities of the action Working Group 2 are presented. Five …
forecasting chains. Goals and activities of the action Working Group 2 are presented. Five …
Salinity and marine mammal dynamics in Barataria Basin: Historic patterns and modeled diversion scenarios
Understanding spatiotemporal patterns of salinity in Barataria Basin in coastal Louisiana is
important to better understand and manage operations of existing and proposed freshwater …
important to better understand and manage operations of existing and proposed freshwater …
The impacts of re-introducing Mississippi River water on the hydrologic budget and nutrient inputs of a deltaic estuary
Most wetlands of the Mississippi deltaic plain are isolated from riverine input due to flood
control levees along the Mississippi River. These levees have altered hydrology and …
control levees along the Mississippi River. These levees have altered hydrology and …
Finite volume modeling of variable density shallow-water flow equations for a well-mixed estuary: application to the Río Maipo estuary in central Chile
Strong advective flows in well-mixed estuaries can produce abrupt fronts and density
gradients, which cause secondary circulation and affect the ecosystem by generating …
gradients, which cause secondary circulation and affect the ecosystem by generating …
Optimal wasteload allocation procedure for achieving dissolved oxygen water quality objectives. I: Sensitivity analysis
M Piasecki - Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2004 - ascelibrary.org
A method is presented to compute sensitivities of in-stream dissolved oxygen (DO) with
respect to perturbations in the load vector and the reaction coefficients that make up the …
respect to perturbations in the load vector and the reaction coefficients that make up the …
Buffering of the salinity intrusion in estuaries by channel convergence
PS Gay, J O'Donnell - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences …, 2009 - hess.copernicus.org
A one-dimensional advective-diffusive model is used to investigate the influence of channel
convergence on the runoff-dependence of the distance salt intrudes from the ocean into …
convergence on the runoff-dependence of the distance salt intrudes from the ocean into …
[PDF][PDF] Determination of salinity concentration in tidal rivers
A Adib - Journal of Applied Sciences, 2008 - researchgate.net
In the tidal rivers, determination of salinity concentration is a complex problem. Tidal surges
and fresh water influence the tidal river. These factors are two independent phenomena …
and fresh water influence the tidal river. These factors are two independent phenomena …
Salt intrusion in the Pungue estuary, Mozambique
I Abas, H Hagedooren - 2017 - repository.tudelft.nl
Additional thesis-The Pungue river originates in Zimbabwe and drains into the Indian Ocean
creating a large alluvial estuary. The river discharge generated in the Eastern Highlands of …
creating a large alluvial estuary. The river discharge generated in the Eastern Highlands of …
[КНИГА][B] Freshwater and nutrient inputs to a Mississippi River deltaic estuary with river re-introduction
ECG Hyfield - 2004 - search.proquest.com
In this study, I quantified freshwater and nutrient inputs in the Breton Sound estuary which is
receiving freshwater reintroduction in an effort to restore deteriorating wetlands. Almost all …
receiving freshwater reintroduction in an effort to restore deteriorating wetlands. Almost all …