Biodiesel production from lignocellulosic biomass using oleaginous microbes: prospects for integrated biofuel production
Biodiesel is an eco-friendly, renewable, and potential liquid biofuel mitigating greenhouse
gas emissions. Biodiesel has been produced initially from vegetable oils, non-edible oils …
gas emissions. Biodiesel has been produced initially from vegetable oils, non-edible oils …
Fungal laccases: The forefront of enzymes for sustainability
Enzymatic catalysis is one of the main pillars of sustainability for industrial production.
Enzyme application allows minimization of the use of toxic solvents and to valorize the agro …
Enzyme application allows minimization of the use of toxic solvents and to valorize the agro …
Laccase-mediated delignification and detoxification of lignocellulosic biomass: removing obstacles in energy generation
M Malhotra, SK Suman - Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021 - Springer
The rising global population and worldwide industrialization have led to unprecedented
energy demand that is causing fast depletion of fossil reserves. This has led to search for …
energy demand that is causing fast depletion of fossil reserves. This has led to search for …
Valorization of rice straw biomass for co-production of bioethanol, biopesticide and biofertilizer following an eco-friendly biorefinery process
Combustion and depletion of fossil fuels, open burning of agricultural wastes, and use of
hazardous chemicals in biofuels production route are some major challenges among …
hazardous chemicals in biofuels production route are some major challenges among …
Bioethanol production from cereal crops and lignocelluloses rich agro-residues: prospects and challenges
The existing energy demand, fluctuating oil prices and repercussions due to usage of fossil
fuels have enhanced the requirement for alternative energy sources. Bioethanol derived …
fuels have enhanced the requirement for alternative energy sources. Bioethanol derived …
Jute sticks biomass delignification through laccase-mediator system for enhanced saccharification and sustainable release of fermentable sugar
Jute sticks obtained after the extraction of jute fiber are an excellent biomass feedstock with
a significant amount of carbohydrates that makes it an attractive resource for sustainable …
a significant amount of carbohydrates that makes it an attractive resource for sustainable …
Laccase mediated delignification of wasted and non-food agricultural biomass: Recent developments and challenges
Utilization of microbial laccases is considered as the cleaner and target specific biocatalytic
mechanism for the recovery of cellulose and hemicelluloses from nonfood and wasted …
mechanism for the recovery of cellulose and hemicelluloses from nonfood and wasted …
Enhanced laccase production for oil palm biomass delignification using biological pretreatment and its estimation at biorefinary scale
The heterogeneous lignocellulosic contents of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) fiber
requires the use of chemical or biological pre-treatment for further value-added applications …
requires the use of chemical or biological pre-treatment for further value-added applications …
Production of fungal laccase on pineapple waste and application in detoxification of malachite green
E Backes, CG Kato, TBV da Silva, TM Uber… - … Science and Health …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The main purpose of this work was to use pineapple crowns as substrate for optimizing
laccase production by Trametes versicolor in lab-scale experiments. One-factor-at-the-time …
laccase production by Trametes versicolor in lab-scale experiments. One-factor-at-the-time …
Fungal oxidoreductases and CAZymes effectively degrade lignocellulosic component of switchgrass for bioethanol production
Ganoderma lucidum, a basidiomycetous fungus, has enormous potential in the co-
production of diverse extracellular oxidoreductases and CAZymes. In the present study, G …
production of diverse extracellular oxidoreductases and CAZymes. In the present study, G …