Importance of conserving large and old trees to continuity of tree‐related microhabitats
Protecting structural features, such as tree‐related microhabitats (TreMs), is a cost‐effective
tool crucial for biodiversity conservation applicable to large forested landscapes. Although …
tool crucial for biodiversity conservation applicable to large forested landscapes. Although …
Large old trees increase growth under shifting climatic constraints: Aligning tree longevity and individual growth dynamics in primary mountain spruce forests
In a world of accelerating changes in environmental conditions driving tree growth, tradeoffs
between tree growth rate and longevity could curtail the abundance of large old trees …
between tree growth rate and longevity could curtail the abundance of large old trees …
Stand‐scale climate change impacts on forests over large areas: transient responses and projection uncertainties
The increasing impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems have triggered multiple
model‐based impact assessments for the future, which typically focused either on a small …
model‐based impact assessments for the future, which typically focused either on a small …
Tree-related microhabitats follow similar patterns but are more diverse in primary compared to managed temperate mountain forests
The impact of forest management on biodiversity is difficult to scrutinize along gradients of
management. A step towards analyzing the impact of forest management on biodiversity is …
management. A step towards analyzing the impact of forest management on biodiversity is …
Response of habitat quality to mixed severity disturbance regime in Norway spruce forests
Natural disturbances change forest habitat quality for many species. As the extent and
intensity of natural disturbances may increase under climate change, it is unclear how this …
intensity of natural disturbances may increase under climate change, it is unclear how this …
Pathways and drivers of canopy accession across primary temperate forests of Europe
Canopy accession strategies reveal much about tree life histories and forest stand
dynamics. However, the protracted nature of ascending to the canopy makes direct …
dynamics. However, the protracted nature of ascending to the canopy makes direct …
[HTML][HTML] Long-term biomass dynamics of temperate forests in Europe after cessation of management
Forests can contribute to climate change mitigation by sequestering carbon when
management intensity is reduced. However, there is high uncertainty regarding biomass …
management intensity is reduced. However, there is high uncertainty regarding biomass …
Disturbance history is a key driver of tree life span in temperate primary forests
Aims We examined differences in life span among the dominant tree species (spruce, Picea
abies; fir, Abies alba; beech, Fagus sylvatica; and maple, Acer pseudoplatanus) across …
abies; fir, Abies alba; beech, Fagus sylvatica; and maple, Acer pseudoplatanus) across …
The impact of natural disturbance dynamics on lichen diversity and composition in primary mountain spruce forests
Aim Natural disturbances influence forest structure, successional dynamics and
consequently, the distribution of species through time and space. We quantified the long …
consequently, the distribution of species through time and space. We quantified the long …
[HTML][HTML] Tree structure and diversity shape the biomass of primary temperate mountain forests
Primary forests are spatially diverse terrestrial ecosystems with unique characteristics, being
naturally regenerative and heterogeneous, which supports the stability of their carbon …
naturally regenerative and heterogeneous, which supports the stability of their carbon …