Scheduling in grid computing environment

HB Prajapati, VA Shah - 2014 Fourth International Conference …, 2014 -
Scheduling in Grid computing has been active area of research since its beginning.
However, beginners find very difficult to understand related concepts due to a large learning …

Inventory allocation in the presence of service‐level agreements

CM Chen, DJ Thomas - Production and operations …, 2018 -
Retailers often use service‐level agreements (SLAs) to evaluate their supplier's
performance. Based on an examination of 70 SLAs from practice, we conclude that in terms …

A fault-tolerant hybrid resource allocation model for dynamic computational grid

S Sheikh, A Nagaraju, M Shahid - Journal of Computational Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Effectual allocation of resources with fault tolerance is one of the key targets in any
computational grid environment to accomplish the task execution on time. In this paper, a …

Gssim–a tool for distributed computing experiments

S Bąk, M Krystek, K Kurowski, A Oleksiak… - Scientific …, 2011 -
In this paper we present the Grid Scheduling Simulator (GSSIM), a comprehensive and
advanced simulation tool for distributed computing problems. Based on a classification of …

Cost-efficient coordinated scheduling for leasing cloud resources on hybrid workloads

J Li, S Su, X Cheng, M Song, L Ma, J Wang - Parallel Computing, 2015 - Elsevier
Cloud service providers, leasing resources from cloud vendors under the pay-per-use
service model, would want to minimize rental costs while meeting users' computing needs …

Dynamic task scheduling with advance reservation of resources to minimize turnaround time for computational grid

S Sheikh, A Nagaraju - International Journal of Information Technology, 2020 - Springer
It is a vital necessity of a heterogeneous environment to schedule the resources efficiently
among applications to optimize the execution time to provide well-regulated services to the …

Modeling and simulation of data center energy-efficiency in coolemall

M vor dem Berge, G Da Costa, A Kopecki… - … Workshop on Energy …, 2012 - Springer
In this paper we present an overview of the CoolEmAll project which addresses the
important problem of data center energy efficiency. To this end, CoolEmAll aims at delivering …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamic Allocation of high performance computing resources

MK Abhishek, DR Rao - Int'l Journal of Advanced Trends in …, 2020 -
With the increasing demand of fast computation, High performance computing is getting
evolved now a days rapidly. In Today's data era where problems are going to be huge and …

Semantics-based multilevel transaction management in federated systems

A Deacon, HJ Schek, G Weikum - Proceedings of 1994 IEEE …, 1994 -
A federated database management system (FDBMS) is a special type of distributed
database system that enables existing local databases, in a heterogeneous environment, to …