Variance-constrained recursive state estimation for time-varying complex networks with quantized measurements and uncertain inner coupling

J Hu, Z Wang, GP Liu, H Zhang - IEEE Transactions on Neural …, 2019 -
In this paper, a new recursive state estimation problem is discussed for a class of discrete
time-varying stochastic complex networks with uncertain inner coupling and signal …

Robust set-membership filtering for two-dimensional systems with sensor saturation under the Round-Robin protocol

M Li, J Liang, F Wang - International Journal of Systems Science, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, the set-membership filtering problem is investigated for a class of polytopic
uncertain two-dimensional shift-varying systems with delays and sensor saturation. The …

Nonstationary control for T–S fuzzy Markovian switching systems with variable quantization density

J Cheng, Y Shan, J Cao, JH Park - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy …, 2020 -
This article concentrates on the nonstationary control for a class of nonlinear Markovian
switching systems (MSSs) with the Tagaki-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model. By adopting variable …

Genetic-algorithm-assisted sliding-mode control for networked state-saturated systems over hidden Markov fading channels

J Song, Z Wang, Y Niu, H Dong - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
The sliding-mode control (SMC) problem is studied in this article for state-saturated systems
over a class of time-varying fading channels. The underlying fading channels, whose …

Finite-Time Asynchronous Control for Nonlinear Markov Jump Distributed Parameter Systems via Quantized Fuzzy Output-Feedback Approach

X Song, M Wang, CK Ahn… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 -
This article focuses on the asynchronous output-feedback control design for a class of
nonlinear Markov jump distributed parameter systems based on a hidden Markov model …

Fuzzy Generalized Filtering for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems With Measurement Quantization

XH Chang, ZM Li, JH Park - IEEE Transactions on Systems …, 2017 -
In this paper, the generalized H 2 filter design problems are addressed for a class of
nonlinear discrete-time systems with measurement quantization. The considered nonlinear …

Sliding mode-based adaptive resilient control for Markovian jump cyber–physical systems in face of simultaneous actuator and sensor attacks

H Yang, H Han, S Yin, H Han, P Wang - Automatica, 2022 - Elsevier
The rapid development of Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) poses nontrivial challenges to
the issue of cyber-security. In this work, an improved sliding mode control strategy against …

Asynchronous H∞ filtering for nonlinear persistent dwell-time switched singular systems with measurement quantization

M **ng, J **a, J Wang, B Meng, H Shen - Applied mathematics and …, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the asynchronous H∞ filtering problem for a class of discrete-time
switched nonlinear singular systems with measurement quantization. The switching of the …

Quantization-Based Event-Triggered H Consensus for Discrete-Time Markov Jump Fractional-Order Multiagent Systems with DoS Attacks

Y Lu, X Wu, Y Wang, L Huang, Q Wei - Fractal and Fractional, 2024 -
This paper investigates the H∞ consensus problem of discrete-time Markov jump fractional-
order multiagent systems (DTMJFOMASs) under denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. By …

Estimation for fuzzy semi-Markov jump systems with indirectly accessible mode information and nonideal data transmission

B Cai, J Yang, S Yuan, Y Shi… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 -
This article proposes a novel H∞ state estimation scheme for a family of Takagi-Sugeno
fuzzy semi-Markov jump systems with indirectly accessible mode information and nonideal …