Recent trends in deep learning based personality detection
Recently, the automatic prediction of personality traits has received a lot of attention.
Specifically, personality trait prediction from multimodal data has emerged as a hot topic …
Specifically, personality trait prediction from multimodal data has emerged as a hot topic …
Predicting the Big 5 personality traits from digital footprints on social media: A meta-analysis
The growing use of social media among Internet users produces a vast and new source of
user generated ecological data, such as textual posts and images, which can be collected …
user generated ecological data, such as textual posts and images, which can be collected …
A survey of Twitter research: Data model, graph structure, sentiment analysis and attacks
Twitter is the third most popular worldwide Online Social Network (OSN) after Facebook and
Instagram. Compared to other OSNs, it has a simple data model and a straightforward data …
Instagram. Compared to other OSNs, it has a simple data model and a straightforward data …
[HTML][HTML] Customer experience management in the age of big data analytics: A strategic framework
Customer experience (CX) has emerged as a sustainable source of competitive
differentiation. Recent developments in big data analytics (BDA) have exposed possibilities …
differentiation. Recent developments in big data analytics (BDA) have exposed possibilities …
The four dimensions of social network analysis: An overview of research methods, applications, and software tools
Social network based applications have experienced exponential growth in recent years.
One of the reasons for this rise is that this application domain offers a particularly fertile …
One of the reasons for this rise is that this application domain offers a particularly fertile …
The role of user profiles for fake news detection
Consuming news from social media is becoming increasingly popular. Social media
appeals to users due to its fast dissemination of information, low cost, and easy access …
appeals to users due to its fast dissemination of information, low cost, and easy access …
Beyond binary labels: political ideology prediction of twitter users
Automatic political orientation prediction from social media posts has to date proven
successful only in distinguishing between publicly declared liberals and conservatives in the …
successful only in distinguishing between publicly declared liberals and conservatives in the …
A sentiment-aware deep learning approach for personality detection from text
Personality detection based on user-generated text content analysis has a significant impact
on information science, for instance, information seeking. Existing deep learning-based …
on information science, for instance, information seeking. Existing deep learning-based …
Personality predictions based on user behavior on the facebook social media platform
With the development of social networks, a large variety of approaches have been
developed to define users' personalities based on their social activities and language use …
developed to define users' personalities based on their social activities and language use …
A survey of sentiment analysis from social media data
In the current era of automation, machines are constantly being channelized to provide
accurate interpretations of what people express on social media. The human race nowadays …
accurate interpretations of what people express on social media. The human race nowadays …