Ambient seismic wave field
K Nishida - Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, 2017 -
The ambient seismic wave field, also known as ambient noise, is excited by oceanic gravity
waves primarily. This can be categorized as seismic hum (1–20 mHz), primary microseisms …
waves primarily. This can be categorized as seismic hum (1–20 mHz), primary microseisms …
High-resolution 3D shallow crustal structure in Long Beach, California: Application of ambient noise tomography on a dense seismic array
Ambient noise tomography has proven to be effective in resolving shallow earth structure.
We applied ambient noise tomography on a dense seismic array in Long Beach, California …
We applied ambient noise tomography on a dense seismic array in Long Beach, California …
Extracting Earth's elastic wave response from noise measurements
Recent research has shown that noise can be turned from a nuisance into a useful seismic
source. In seismology and other fields in science and engineering, the estimation of the …
source. In seismology and other fields in science and engineering, the estimation of the …
Body-wave imaging of Earth's mantle discontinuities from ambient seismic noise
Ambient seismic noise correlations are widely used for high-resolution surface-wave
imaging of Earth's lithosphere. Similar observations of the seismic body waves that …
imaging of Earth's lithosphere. Similar observations of the seismic body waves that …
Properties of noise cross‐correlation functions obtained from a distributed acoustic sensing array at Garner Valley, California
A field test that was conducted at Garner Valley, California, on 11 and 12 September 2013
using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to sense ground vibrations provided a continuous …
using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to sense ground vibrations provided a continuous …
Depth-dependent seismic sensing of groundwater recovery from the atmospheric-river storms of 2023
In early 2023, a series of intense atmospheric-river storms eased California's historic
drought, yet the spatiotemporal extent of groundwater recovery remains poorly understood …
drought, yet the spatiotemporal extent of groundwater recovery remains poorly understood …
Seismic interferometry of railroad induced ground motions: Body and surface wave imaging
Seismic interferometry applied to 120 hr of railroad traffic recorded by an array of vertical
component seismographs along a railway within the Rio Grande rift has recovered surface …
component seismographs along a railway within the Rio Grande rift has recovered surface …
Correlation between poroelastic stress perturbation and multidisposal wells induced earthquake sequence in Cushing, Oklahoma
Over 100 small‐to moderate‐sized earthquakes, including an Mw 5.0 event, were detected
during September 2015 to November 2016 near the town of Cushing, Oklahoma. The …
during September 2015 to November 2016 near the town of Cushing, Oklahoma. The …
Emergence of body waves from cross-correlation of short period seismic noise
Ambient noise correlation is now widely used in seismology to obtain the surface waves part
of Green′ s function. More difficult is the extraction of body waves from noise correlations …
of Green′ s function. More difficult is the extraction of body waves from noise correlations …
Teleseismic correlations of ambient seismic noise for deep global imaging of the Earth
We present here a global analysis showing that wave paths probing the deepest part of the
Earth can be obtained from ambient noise records. Correlations of seismic noise recorded at …
Earth can be obtained from ambient noise records. Correlations of seismic noise recorded at …