Coalescent-based species delimitation in an integrative taxonomy
The statistical rigor of species delimitation has increased dramatically over the past decade.
Coalescent theory provides powerful models for population genetic inference, and is now …
Coalescent theory provides powerful models for population genetic inference, and is now …
Rodent systematics in an age of discovery: recent advances and prospects
Abstract With almost 2,600 species, Rodentia is the most diverse order of mammals. Here,
we provide an overview of changes in our understanding of the systematics of living rodents …
we provide an overview of changes in our understanding of the systematics of living rodents …
Multispecies coalescent delimits structure, not species
The multispecies coalescent model underlies many approaches used for species
delimitation. In previous work assessing the performance of species delimitation under this …
delimitation. In previous work assessing the performance of species delimitation under this …
[Књига][B] Genetic management of fragmented animal and plant populations
One of the greatest unmet challenges in conservation biology is the genetic management of
fragmented populations of threatened animal and plant species. More than a million small …
fragmented populations of threatened animal and plant species. More than a million small …
Comparison of methods for molecular species delimitation across a range of speciation scenarios
Species are fundamental units in biological research and can be defined on the basis of
various operational criteria. There has been growing use of molecular approaches for …
various operational criteria. There has been growing use of molecular approaches for …
The BPP program for species tree estimation and species delimitation
Z Yang - Current Zoology, 2015 - academic.oup.com
This paper provides an overview and a tutorial of the BPP program, which is a Bayesian
MCMC program for analyzing multi-locus genomic sequence data under the multispecies …
MCMC program for analyzing multi-locus genomic sequence data under the multispecies …
Unguided species delimitation using DNA sequence data from multiple loci
A method was developed for simultaneous Bayesian inference of species delimitation and
species phylogeny using the multispecies coalescent model. The method eliminates the …
species phylogeny using the multispecies coalescent model. The method eliminates the …
The spectre of too many species
Recent simulation studies examining the performance of Bayesian species delimitation as
implemented in the bpp program have suggested that bpp may detect population splits but …
implemented in the bpp program have suggested that bpp may detect population splits but …
How to describe a cryptic species? Practical challenges of molecular taxonomy
KM Jörger, M Schrödl - Frontiers in zoology, 2013 - Springer
Background Molecular methods of species delineation are rapidly develo** and widely
considered as fast and efficient means to discover species and face the'taxonomic …
considered as fast and efficient means to discover species and face the'taxonomic …
Species delimitation with gene flow
Species are commonly thought to be evolutionarily independent in a way that populations
within a species are not. In recent years, studies that seek to identify evolutionarily …
within a species are not. In recent years, studies that seek to identify evolutionarily …