Pattern formation outside of equilibrium

MC Cross, PC Hohenberg - Reviews of modern physics, 1993 - APS
A comprehensive review of spatiotemporal pattern formation in systems driven away from
equilibrium is presented, with emphasis on comparisons between theory and quantitative …

[HTML][HTML] Network dynamics of coupled oscillators and phase reduction techniques

B Pietras, A Daffertshofer - Physics Reports, 2019 - Elsevier
Investigating the dynamics of a network of oscillatory systems is a timely and urgent topic.
Phase synchronization has proven paradigmatic to study emergent collective behavior …

[BOK][B] Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics: dimensional analysis and intermediate asymptotics

GI Barenblatt - 1996 -
Scaling (power-type) laws reveal the fundamental property of the phenomena--self similarity.
Self-similar (scaling) phenomena repeat themselves in time and/or space. The property of …

[BOK][B] Scaling

GI Barenblatt - 2003 -
Many phenomena in nature, engineering or society when seen at an intermediate distance,
in space or time, exhibit the remarkable property of self-similarity: they reproduce …

Renormalization group and singular perturbations: Multiple scales, boundary layers, and reductive perturbation theory

LY Chen, N Goldenfeld, Y Oono - Physical Review E, 1996 - APS
Perturbative renormalization group theory is developed as a unified tool for global
asymptotic analysis. With numerous examples, we illustrate its application to ordinary …

Lectures on the functional renormalization group method

J Polonyi - Central European Journal of Physics, 2003 - Springer
These introductory notes are about functional renormalization group equations and some of
their applications. It is emphasised that the applicability of this method extends well beyond …

Renormalization group theory for global asymptotic analysis

LY Chen, N Goldenfeld, Y Oono - Physical review letters, 1994 - APS
We show with several examples that renormalization group (RG) theory can be used to
understand singular and reductive perturbation methods in a unified fashion. Amplitude …

Renormalization group and asymptotics of solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations

J Bricmont, A Kupiainen, G Lin - Communications on pure and …, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
We present a general method for studying long‐time asymptotics of nonlinear parabolic
partial differential equations. The method does not rely on a priori estimates such as the …

Renormalization group approach to multiscale simulation of polycrystalline materials using the phase field crystal model

N Goldenfeld, BP Athreya, JA Dantzig - Physical Review E—Statistical …, 2005 - APS
We propose a computationally efficient approach to multiscale simulation of polycrystalline
materials, based on the phase field crystal model. The order parameter describing the …

Scaling and adiabaticity in a rapidly expanding gluon plasma

J Brewer, B Scheihing-Hitschfeld, Y Yin - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract In this work we aim to gain qualitative insight on the far-from-equilibrium behavior
of the gluon plasma produced in the early stages of a heavy-ion collision. It was recently …