[CARTE][B] Landslide risk assessment

EM Lee, DKC Jones - 2023 - icevirtuallibrary.com
See also specific Asian countries asphyxiation, 287–288 Assam (India) earthquake, 39
assets fixed, 81, 82, 254, 255f, 264 Hong Kong example, 118 market value, 337–339, 338t …

Landslide risk assessment: the challenge of communicating uncertainty to decision-makers

EM Lee - Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and …, 2016 - lyellcollection.org
Typically landslide risk assessments are based on mixtures of information that differ in
status, ranging from well-established knowledge to judgements, educated guesses and …

Introduction to the use of uncertainties to inform adaptation decisions

RB Street, C Nilsson - Adapting to an Uncertain Climate: Lessons From …, 2014 - Springer
Our social, cultural and economic sustainability and that of future generations depend on
quality decisions and policies that address risks and opportunities. As these decisions and …

Ignorance of Model Uncertainty and its Effects on Ethics and Society Using the Example of Geosciences

H Paasche, A Bleicher, W Loh… - … International Handbook of …, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Numerical modeling plays an important role in geosciences when it comes to the prediction
of future states of the Earth. The predictive capabilities of numerical models building on …

[PDF][PDF] Strategies for embedding climate change adaptation in public sector organisations

S Turner, H Fünfgeld, S Robertson - A review of the academic and …, 2016 - researchgate.net
This report discusses recent academic and grey literature on current knowledge,
approaches and strategies for embedding adaptation into an organisation. Six strategies for …

[PDF][PDF] Dealing with Uncertainties from the Point of View of Science and Political Consultation

PM UBA - Impacts of Climate Change on Waterways and … - henry.baw.de
Since the mandate for political consultation in environmental issues is anchored in the act
establishing the Federal Environment Agency, the communication of scientific findings to …

[PDF][PDF] Der Umgang mit unsicherem Wissen bei der regionalen Anpassung an den Klimawandel

A Bundschuh, A Knierim - IALE-D-Jahrestagung 2012 24.–26. Oktober 2012 … - iale.de
Unser Beitrag bezieht sich auf die Herausforderung, mit unsicherem Wissen umzugehen
und angesichts von Projektionen über die zukünftige Klimaentwicklung Strategien zur …