[CARTE][B] Landslide risk assessment
EM Lee, DKC Jones - 2023 - icevirtuallibrary.com
See also specific Asian countries asphyxiation, 287–288 Assam (India) earthquake, 39
assets fixed, 81, 82, 254, 255f, 264 Hong Kong example, 118 market value, 337–339, 338t …
assets fixed, 81, 82, 254, 255f, 264 Hong Kong example, 118 market value, 337–339, 338t …
Landslide risk assessment: the challenge of communicating uncertainty to decision-makers
EM Lee - Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and …, 2016 - lyellcollection.org
Typically landslide risk assessments are based on mixtures of information that differ in
status, ranging from well-established knowledge to judgements, educated guesses and …
status, ranging from well-established knowledge to judgements, educated guesses and …
Introduction to the use of uncertainties to inform adaptation decisions
RB Street, C Nilsson - Adapting to an Uncertain Climate: Lessons From …, 2014 - Springer
Our social, cultural and economic sustainability and that of future generations depend on
quality decisions and policies that address risks and opportunities. As these decisions and …
quality decisions and policies that address risks and opportunities. As these decisions and …
Ignorance of Model Uncertainty and its Effects on Ethics and Society Using the Example of Geosciences
H Paasche, A Bleicher, W Loh… - … International Handbook of …, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Numerical modeling plays an important role in geosciences when it comes to the prediction
of future states of the Earth. The predictive capabilities of numerical models building on …
of future states of the Earth. The predictive capabilities of numerical models building on …
[PDF][PDF] Strategies for embedding climate change adaptation in public sector organisations
This report discusses recent academic and grey literature on current knowledge,
approaches and strategies for embedding adaptation into an organisation. Six strategies for …
approaches and strategies for embedding adaptation into an organisation. Six strategies for …
[PDF][PDF] Dealing with Uncertainties from the Point of View of Science and Political Consultation
PM UBA - Impacts of Climate Change on Waterways and … - henry.baw.de
Since the mandate for political consultation in environmental issues is anchored in the act
establishing the Federal Environment Agency, the communication of scientific findings to …
establishing the Federal Environment Agency, the communication of scientific findings to …
[PDF][PDF] Der Umgang mit unsicherem Wissen bei der regionalen Anpassung an den Klimawandel
A Bundschuh, A Knierim - IALE-D-Jahrestagung 2012 24.–26. Oktober 2012 … - iale.de
Unser Beitrag bezieht sich auf die Herausforderung, mit unsicherem Wissen umzugehen
und angesichts von Projektionen über die zukünftige Klimaentwicklung Strategien zur …
und angesichts von Projektionen über die zukünftige Klimaentwicklung Strategien zur …