[KNIHA][B] Stochastic and integral geometry

R Schneider, W Weil - 2008 - Springer
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A local Steiner–type formula for general closed sets and applications

D Hug, G Last, W Weil - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2004 - Springer
We introduce support (curvature) measures of an arbitrary closed set A in ℝ d and establish
a local Steiner–type formula for the localized parallel volume of A. We derive some of the …

Blaschke-and Minkowski-endomorphisms of convex bodies

M Kiderlen - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2006 - ams.org
We consider maps of the family of convex bodies in Euclidean $ d $-dimensional space into
itself that are compatible with certain structures on this family: A Minkowski-endomorphism is …

Computational Topology for Point Data: Betti Numbers of α-Shapes

V Robins - Morphology of condensed matter: physics and …, 2002 - Springer
The problem considered belowis that of determining information about the topology of a
subset X⊂ ℝ n given only a finite point approximation to X. The basic approach is to …

Curvature measures and soap bubbles beyond convexity

D Hug, M Santilli - Advances in Mathematics, 2022 - Elsevier
Extending the celebrated results of Alexandrov (1958) and Korevaar–Ros (1988) for smooth
sets, as well as the results of Schneider (1979) and the first author (1999) for arbitrary …

Stereological analysis and modelling of gradient structures

Hahn, Micheletti, Pohlink, Stoyan… - Journal of …, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Gradient structures are inhomogeneous along a particular gradient direction but
homogeneous perpendicular to that direction. Consequently, structural parameters such as …

[PDF][PDF] Measures, curvatures and currents in convex geometry

D Hug - 2000 - freidok.uni-freiburg.de
This work is devoted to the investigation of the basic interrelations between the geometry of
convex sets and certain measures (or functionals), curvatures and currents which are …

[HTML][HTML] Joint estimators for the specific intrinsic volumes of stationary random sets

V Schmidt, E Spodarev - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2005 - Elsevier
Stationary random closed sets Ξ in Rd are considered whose realizations belong to the
extended convex ring. A new approach is proposed to joint estimation of the specific intrinsic …

On infinitesimal increase of volumes of morphological transforms

M Kiderlen, J Rataj - Mathematika, 2006 - cambridge.org
Let B (“black”) and W (“white”) be disjoint compact test sets in ℝd, and consider the volume
of all its simultaneous shifts kee** B inside and W outside a compact set A⊂ ℝd. If the …

[HTML][HTML] Minkowski tensor density formulas for Boolean models

J Hörrmann, D Hug, MA Klatt, K Mecke - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2014 - Elsevier
A stationary Boolean model is the union set of random compact particles which are attached
to the points of a stationary Poisson point process. For a stationary Boolean model with …