[KNIHA][B] Stochastic and integral geometry
R Schneider, W Weil - 2008 - Springer
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A local Steiner–type formula for general closed sets and applications
We introduce support (curvature) measures of an arbitrary closed set A in ℝ d and establish
a local Steiner–type formula for the localized parallel volume of A. We derive some of the …
a local Steiner–type formula for the localized parallel volume of A. We derive some of the …
Blaschke-and Minkowski-endomorphisms of convex bodies
M Kiderlen - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2006 - ams.org
We consider maps of the family of convex bodies in Euclidean $ d $-dimensional space into
itself that are compatible with certain structures on this family: A Minkowski-endomorphism is …
itself that are compatible with certain structures on this family: A Minkowski-endomorphism is …
Computational Topology for Point Data: Betti Numbers of α-Shapes
V Robins - Morphology of condensed matter: physics and …, 2002 - Springer
The problem considered belowis that of determining information about the topology of a
subset X⊂ ℝ n given only a finite point approximation to X. The basic approach is to …
subset X⊂ ℝ n given only a finite point approximation to X. The basic approach is to …
Curvature measures and soap bubbles beyond convexity
Extending the celebrated results of Alexandrov (1958) and Korevaar–Ros (1988) for smooth
sets, as well as the results of Schneider (1979) and the first author (1999) for arbitrary …
sets, as well as the results of Schneider (1979) and the first author (1999) for arbitrary …
Stereological analysis and modelling of gradient structures
Gradient structures are inhomogeneous along a particular gradient direction but
homogeneous perpendicular to that direction. Consequently, structural parameters such as …
homogeneous perpendicular to that direction. Consequently, structural parameters such as …
[PDF][PDF] Measures, curvatures and currents in convex geometry
D Hug - 2000 - freidok.uni-freiburg.de
This work is devoted to the investigation of the basic interrelations between the geometry of
convex sets and certain measures (or functionals), curvatures and currents which are …
convex sets and certain measures (or functionals), curvatures and currents which are …
[HTML][HTML] Joint estimators for the specific intrinsic volumes of stationary random sets
V Schmidt, E Spodarev - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2005 - Elsevier
Stationary random closed sets Ξ in Rd are considered whose realizations belong to the
extended convex ring. A new approach is proposed to joint estimation of the specific intrinsic …
extended convex ring. A new approach is proposed to joint estimation of the specific intrinsic …
On infinitesimal increase of volumes of morphological transforms
M Kiderlen, J Rataj - Mathematika, 2006 - cambridge.org
Let B (“black”) and W (“white”) be disjoint compact test sets in ℝd, and consider the volume
of all its simultaneous shifts kee** B inside and W outside a compact set A⊂ ℝd. If the …
of all its simultaneous shifts kee** B inside and W outside a compact set A⊂ ℝd. If the …
[HTML][HTML] Minkowski tensor density formulas for Boolean models
A stationary Boolean model is the union set of random compact particles which are attached
to the points of a stationary Poisson point process. For a stationary Boolean model with …
to the points of a stationary Poisson point process. For a stationary Boolean model with …