[PDF][PDF] An interactive multi-task learning framework for next POI recommendation with uncertain check-ins

L Zhang, Z Sun, J Zhang, Y Lei, C Li, Z Wu… - Proceedings of the …, 2021‏ - ijcai.org
Studies on next point-of-interest (POI) recommendation mainly seek to learn users' transition
patterns with certain historical check-ins. However, in reality, users' movements are typically …

User Modeling for Point‐of‐Interest Recommendations in Location‐Based Social Networks: The State of the Art

S Liu - Mobile Information Systems, 2018‏ - Wiley Online Library
The rapid growth of location‐based services (LBSs) has greatly enriched people's urban
lives and attracted millions of users in recent years. Location‐based social networks …

[PDF][PDF] Predicting activity and location with multi-task context aware recurrent neural network.

D Liao, W Liu, Y Zhong, J Li, G Wang - IJCAI, 2018‏ - ijcai.org
Predicting users' activity and location preferences is of great significance in location based
services. Considering that users' activity and location preferences interplay with each other …

Survey on user location prediction based on geo-social networking data

S Xu, X Fu, J Cao, B Liu, Z Wang - World Wide Web, 2020‏ - Springer
With the popularity of smart mobile terminals and advances in wireless communication and
positioning technologies, Geo-Social Networks (GSNs), which combine location awareness …

Beyond fixed time and space: next POI recommendation via multi-grained context and correlation

X Li, R Hu, Z Wang - Neural Computing and Applications, 2023‏ - Springer
POI recommendation is significant for discovering attractive locations, crime prediction, and
smart city construction. Most existing methods only consider the fixed time and space …

Predicting a person's next activity region with a dynamic region-relation-aware graph neural network

N Zhu, J Cao, X Lu, C Liu, H Liu, Y Li, X Luo… - ACM Transactions on …, 2022‏ - dl.acm.org
The understanding of people's inter-regional mobility behaviors, such as predicting the next
activity region (AR) or uncovering the intentions for regional mobility, is of great value to …

A meta-path-based recurrent model for next poi prediction with spatial and temporal contexts

H Xu, P Wu, J Wei, Z Yang, J Wang - Web and Big Data: Third International …, 2019‏ - Springer
Predicting next point of interest (POI) of users in location-based social networks has become
an increasingly significant requirement, because of its potential benefits for individuals and …

Context-aware next point-of-interest recommendation with uncertain check-ins

L Zhang - 2022‏ - dr.ntu.edu.sg
The rapid development of next point-of-interest (POI) recommendation benefits from a large
number of check-ins shared by users in location-based social networks (LBSNs), such as …

[HTML][HTML] 基于时空周期模式挖掘的活动语义识别方法

郭茂祖, 邵首飞, 赵玲玲, **阳 - 智能系统学报, 2021‏ - html.rhhz.net
对时空轨迹数据的时间特性挖掘不足. 本文兼顾时间和空间特征, 提出了一种基于周期模式挖掘 …