AC/DC: An adaptive data cache prefetcher
KJ Nesbit, AS Dhodapkar… - … Conference on Parallel …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
AC/DC is an adaptive method for prefetching data from main memory. The basic prefetch
method divides the memory address space into equal-sized concentration zones (CZones) …
method divides the memory address space into equal-sized concentration zones (CZones) …
Tolerance to unbounded byzantine faults
An ideal approach to deal with faults in large-scale distributed systems is to contain the
effects of faults as locally as possible and, additionally, to ensure some type of tolerance …
effects of faults as locally as possible and, additionally, to ensure some type of tolerance …
Discovering network topology in the presence of byzantine faults
We pose and study the problem of Byzantine-robust topology discovery in an arbitrary
asynchronous network. The problem is an abstraction of fault-tolerant routing. We formally …
asynchronous network. The problem is an abstraction of fault-tolerant routing. We formally …
[Књига][B] Component based design of fault-tolerance
SS Kulkarni - 1999 - search.proquest.com
In this dissertation, we defend the thesis that a fault-tolerant program is a composition of a
fault-intolerant program and a set of fault-tolerance components. To validate this thesis, we …
fault-intolerant program and a set of fault-tolerance components. To validate this thesis, we …
[PDF][PDF] Stabilizing link-coloration of arbitrary networks with unbounded byzantine faults
Self-stabilizing protocols can tolerate any type and any number of transient faults. However,
in general, self-stabilizing protocols provide no guarantee about their behavior against …
in general, self-stabilizing protocols provide no guarantee about their behavior against …
A self-stabilizing link-coloring protocol resilient to byzantine faults in tree networks
Self-stabilizing protocols can tolerate any type and any number of transient faults. But self-
stabilizing protocols have no guarantee of their behavior against permanent faults. Thus …
stabilizing protocols have no guarantee of their behavior against permanent faults. Thus …
Tolerating transient and intermittent failures
Fault tolerance is a crucial property for recent distributed systems. We propose an algorithm
that solves the census problem (list all processor identifiers and their relative distance) on an …
that solves the census problem (list all processor identifiers and their relative distance) on an …
Robust stabilizing leader election
We mix two approaches of the fault-tolerance: robustness and stabilization. Using these
approaches, we propose leader election algorithms that tolerate both transient and crash …
approaches, we propose leader election algorithms that tolerate both transient and crash …
Bounding the impact of unbounded attacks in stabilization
As a new challenge of containing the unbounded influence of Byzantine processes in self-
stabilizing protocols, this paper introduces a novel concept of strong stabilization. The strong …
stabilizing protocols, this paper introduces a novel concept of strong stabilization. The strong …
[PDF][PDF] Multitolerance in distributed reset
A reset of a distributed system is safe if it does not complete\prematurely", ie, without having
reset some process in the system. Safe resets are possible in the presence of certain faults …
reset some process in the system. Safe resets are possible in the presence of certain faults …