[HTML][HTML] Electric vehicles' consumer behaviours: Map** the field and providing a research agenda
Research on consumers of electric vehicles appears to offer significant contributions relative
to the behaviour factors that stimulate purchase. Although it is one of the topics most …
to the behaviour factors that stimulate purchase. Although it is one of the topics most …
Knowledge management in small and medium enterprises: a systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis, and research agenda
Purpose Knowledge management effects on business performances are of great importance
for companies. Yet, they are still overlooked by current literature. Moreover, the use of …
for companies. Yet, they are still overlooked by current literature. Moreover, the use of …
The link between sustainable business models and Blockchain: A multiple case study approach
The paper investigates the relationship between Blockchain technology and new
sustainable business models (SBMs). The literature notes a lack of empirical classifications …
sustainable business models (SBMs). The literature notes a lack of empirical classifications …
Insight into digital finance and fintech: A bibliometric and content analysis
Z Zou, X Liu, M Wang, X Yang - Technology in Society, 2023 - Elsevier
As an emerging financial service model, digital finance has gained tremendous popularity
among providers and users. This paper explores the development of digital finance literature …
among providers and users. This paper explores the development of digital finance literature …
Organization agility: a literature review and research agenda
Purpose The purpose of this literature review paper is to explore the concept of organization
agility and its relevance in today's dynamic business environment. By conducting an in …
agility and its relevance in today's dynamic business environment. By conducting an in …
How to increase sustainable production in the food sector? Map** industrial and business strategies and providing future research agenda
Food waste is a tremendous systemic challenge, mainly at all stages of consumption and the
supply chain process. In recent years, the global food supply challenge has called for new …
supply chain process. In recent years, the global food supply challenge has called for new …
Artificial intelligence and new business models in agriculture: a structured literature review and future research agenda
Purpose Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a growing technology impacting several business fields.
The agricultural sector is facing several challenges, which may be supported by the use of …
The agricultural sector is facing several challenges, which may be supported by the use of …
An integrated literature review on Urban and peri-urban farming: Exploring research themes and future directions
In recent years, Urban and peri-urban farming (UPF) research has experienced significant
growth, but a comprehensive global overview is lacking. This study examined UPF research …
growth, but a comprehensive global overview is lacking. This study examined UPF research …
Smart city reporting: A bibliometric and structured literature review analysis to identify technological opportunities and challenges for sustainable development
While policies and academic interest in smart cities gain momentum, there remain significant
gaps in practice and academic conceptualisations explaining it as a new source of …
gaps in practice and academic conceptualisations explaining it as a new source of …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancing domestic food supply in the UAE: A framework for technology-driven urban farming systems
It is estimated that the recent ongoing supply chain disruptions have forced a transition in the
traditional food supply chain business models. Organizations across all sectors are now …
traditional food supply chain business models. Organizations across all sectors are now …