Artificial intelligence in marketing communication: A comprehensive exploration of the integration and impact of AI
HND Senyapar - Technium Soc. Sci. J., 2024 - HeinOnline
This study investigates the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on marketing
communications through an evaluation research approach. Focused on enhancing …
communications through an evaluation research approach. Focused on enhancing …
Evolving needs of learners and role of artificial intelligence (AI) in training and development (T&D): T&D professionals' perspective
Purpose The principal aim of this research is to acquire a deeper understanding of the
opinion held by the training and development (T&D) professionals, regarding the use of …
opinion held by the training and development (T&D) professionals, regarding the use of …
The deskilling of teaching and the case for intelligent tutoring systems
J Hughes - Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies, 2021 -
This essay describes trends in the organization of work that have laid the groundwork for the
adoption of interactive AI-driven instruction tools, and the technological innovations that will …
adoption of interactive AI-driven instruction tools, and the technological innovations that will …
The impact of artificial intelligence on radiology education in the wake of coronavirus disease 2019
I Mese - Korean Journal of Radiology, 2023 -
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected radiology practice, research, and
education, prompting the rapid adoption of virtual platforms for educational purposes [1]. As …
education, prompting the rapid adoption of virtual platforms for educational purposes [1]. As …
A Pilot Study Investigating Student Interaction Preferences in Immersive Virtual Reality Environments
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
(UNNC), the first Sino-foreign university in China, has been committed to digital …
(UNNC), the first Sino-foreign university in China, has been committed to digital …
The Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology: reaching out, growing Asia Oceania
ELM Ho - Korean Journal of Radiology, 2023 -
The AOSR spans two continents and caters to approximately 60%[2] of the world's
population. Asia Oceania spans countries with varying resources, needs, and challenges …
population. Asia Oceania spans countries with varying resources, needs, and challenges …
Linkedin: a link to the knowledge economy
W Dinath - ECKM 2021 22nd European Conference on …, 2021 -
The world's most pre-eminent social network for professionals is LinkedIn. Members are
able to create resumes, list their previous and current education, skills and job roles, network …
able to create resumes, list their previous and current education, skills and job roles, network …
Micro-Learning (ML): A Comprehensive Survey
LA Al-Bhloly, AY Almutawkkil… - 2024 1st International …, 2024 -
Micro-learning is one of the most important modern trends in scientific research in education
in our time, where we are in a time of speed and technology. A person needs a flexible …
in our time, where we are in a time of speed and technology. A person needs a flexible …
Transforming Microlearning with Generative AI: Current Advances and Future Challenges
Microlearning has seen a significant transformation thanks to the emergence of generative
AI technology. Reinventing the learning and teaching paradigm and fostering personalized …
AI technology. Reinventing the learning and teaching paradigm and fostering personalized …
적응형 마이크로러닝 플랫폼 개발원칙에 대한 탐색연구
정은영, 강인애, 최정아 - 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 2021 -
디지털 기술 발달은 우리의 삶뿐만 아니라, 온라인 교육 환경에도 많은 변화를 가져오게 되었다.
개별 학습자들에게 맞춤화된 내용을 필요한 즉시 제공 받기를 원하는 학습자들의 요구에 따라 …
개별 학습자들에게 맞춤화된 내용을 필요한 즉시 제공 받기를 원하는 학습자들의 요구에 따라 …