Late Quaternary ice sheet history of northern Eurasia
JI Svendsen, H Alexanderson, VI Astakhov… - Quaternary Science …, 2004 - Elsevier
The maximum limits of the Eurasian ice sheets during four glaciations have been
reconstructed:(1) the Late Saalian (> 140ka),(2) the Early Weichselian (100–80ka),(3) the …
reconstructed:(1) the Late Saalian (> 140ka),(2) the Early Weichselian (100–80ka),(3) the …
[HTML][HTML] The build-up, configuration, and dynamical sensitivity of the Eurasian ice-sheet complex to Late Weichselian climatic and oceanic forcing
The Eurasian ice-sheet complex (EISC) was the third largest ice mass during the Last
Glacial Maximum (LGM), after the Antarctic and North American ice sheets. Despite its …
Glacial Maximum (LGM), after the Antarctic and North American ice sheets. Despite its …
The last Eurasian ice sheets–a chronological database and time‐slice reconstruction, DATED‐1
We present a new time‐slice reconstruction of the Eurasian ice sheets (British–Irish,
Svalbard–Barents–Kara Seas and Scandinavian) documenting the spatial evolution of these …
Svalbard–Barents–Kara Seas and Scandinavian) documenting the spatial evolution of these …
[HTML][HTML] Arctic Ocean glacial history
M Jakobsson, K Andreassen, LR Bjarnadóttir… - Quaternary Science …, 2014 - Elsevier
While there are numerous hypotheses concerning glacial–interglacial environmental and
climatic regime shifts in the Arctic Ocean, a holistic view on the Northern Hemisphere's late …
climatic regime shifts in the Arctic Ocean, a holistic view on the Northern Hemisphere's late …
The organic carbon cycle in the Arctic Ocean
R Stein, RW Macdonald, R Stein, RW MacDonald - 2004 - Springer
Preface the basins of the Arctic Ocean and to present these data in common or parallel
formats. A coherent picture of sediment and organic carbon inputs from the ocean's margins …
formats. A coherent picture of sediment and organic carbon inputs from the ocean's margins …
Arctic Ocean deep-sea record of northern Eurasian ice sheet history
RF Spielhagen, KH Baumann, H Erlenkeuser… - Quaternary Science …, 2004 - Elsevier
The sediment composition of deep-sea cores from the central Arctic Ocean, the Fram Strait,
and the Yermak Plateau was analyzed for several parameters to reconstruct the history of …
and the Yermak Plateau was analyzed for several parameters to reconstruct the history of …
Recent research on Arctic benthos: common notions need to be revised
D Piepenburg - Polar Biology, 2005 - Springer
Increased public awareness of the global significance of polar regions and opening of the
Russian Arctic to foreign researchers have led to a pronounced intensification of benthic …
Russian Arctic to foreign researchers have led to a pronounced intensification of benthic …
Maximum extent of the Eurasian ice sheets in the Barents and Kara Sea region during the Weichselian
JI Svendsen, VI Astakhov, DYU Bolshiyanov… - Boreas, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Based on field investigations in northern Russia and interpretation of offshore seismic data,
we have made a preliminary reconstruction of the maximum ice‐sheet extent in the Barents …
we have made a preliminary reconstruction of the maximum ice‐sheet extent in the Barents …
A review of postglacial emergence on Svalbard, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya, northern Eurasia
The pattern of postglacial emergence in the Barents Sea is pivotal to constraining the timing
of deglaciation and extent and thickness of the last ice sheet in northern Eurasia. This review …
of deglaciation and extent and thickness of the last ice sheet in northern Eurasia. This review …
Ice shelves in the Pleistocene Arctic Ocean inferred from glaciogenic deep-sea bedforms
It has been proposed that during Pleistocene glaciations, an ice cap of 1 kilometre or greater
thickness covered the Arctic Ocean,,. This notion contrasts with the prevailing view that the …
thickness covered the Arctic Ocean,,. This notion contrasts with the prevailing view that the …