Insect-based agri-food waste valorization: Agricultural applications and roles of insect gut microbiota

M Mannaa, A Mansour, I Park, DW Lee… - Environmental Science and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Meeting the demands of the growing population requires increased food and feed
production, leading to higher levels of agri-food waste. As this type of waste seriously …

[HTML][HTML] Waste to value: global perspective on the impact of entomocomposting on environmental health, greenhouse gas mitigation and soil bioremediation

D Beesigamukama, CM Tanga, S Sevgan… - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
The innovative use of insects to recycle low-value organic waste into value-added products
such as food, feed and other products with a low ecological footprint has attracted rapid …

Opportunities and challenges in upcycling agri-food byproducts to generate insect manure (frass): a literature review

L Hénault-Ethier, M Quinche, B Reid, N Hotte… - Waste Management, 2024 - Elsevier
A range of issues related to sustainability in the agrifood industry have spurred interest in
mass production of insects as human food and animal feed alternatives. This rapidly …

The edible insect sector in Canada and the United States

J Larouche, B Campbell, L Hénault-Éthier… - Animal …, 2023 -
Implications• Edible insect markets are rapidly expanding, driven by consumer demand for
sustainable food.• Edible insect production volumes are still too small to drive a massive …

Soil amendment with insect frass and exuviae affects rhizosphere bacterial community, shoot growth and carbon/nitrogen ratio of a brassicaceous plant

EM van de Zande, M Wantulla, JJA van Loon, M Dicke - Plant and Soil, 2024 - Springer
Aims In terrestrial ecosystems, deposition of insect frass and cadavers in the soil influences
soil characteristics, including microbial community composition, with consequences for plant …

[HTML][HTML] Analysis of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) frass as a resource for a sustainable agriculture in the current context of insect farming industry growth

I Zunzunegui, J Martín-García, Ó Santamaría… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2024 - Elsevier
With the ongoing rapid growth of the human population, the industrial development of mass
insect rearing for feed and food is gaining momentum. This approach has proved to be a …

Larval Frass of Hermetia illucens as Organic Fertilizer: Composition and Beneficial Effects on Different Crops

G Lomonaco, A Franco, J De Smet, C Scieuzo… - Insects, 2024 -
Simple Summary This review explores the potential of black soldier fly larval frass (which is
a mixture of insect excrements and leftover substrates) in organic agriculture. Frass can work …

[HTML][HTML] Edible insects consumption in Africa towards environmental health and sustainable food systems: a bibliometric study

NR Matandirotya, WL Filho, G Mahed… - International Journal of …, 2022 -
Africa is home to an estimated wild edible insect population of 1000 species that offer an
opportunity for sustainable food systems while also improving food and nutrition security on …

[HTML][HTML] Paying for sustainable food choices: The role of environmental considerations in consumer valuation of insect-based foods

P Michel, T Begho - Food quality and preference, 2023 - Elsevier
Substituting conventional animal protein sources with insects is increasingly seen as a
strategy for reducing the environmental footprint of modern diets. Nonetheless, insects …

New insights into the emerging edible insect industry in Africa

CM Tanga, MO Kababu - Animal Frontiers, 2023 -
New insights into the emerging edible insect industry in Africa | Animal Frontiers | Oxford
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