The fate of mercury in Arctic terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, a review
Environmental context Mercury, in its methylated form, is a neurotoxin that biomagnifies in
marine and terrestrial foodwebs leading to elevated levels in fish and fish-eating mammals …
marine and terrestrial foodwebs leading to elevated levels in fish and fish-eating mammals …
Recent advances in understanding and measurement of Hg in the environment: Surface-atmosphere exchange of gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0)
The atmosphere is the major transport pathway for distribution of mercury (Hg) globally.
Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM, hereafter Hg 0) is the predominant form in both …
Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM, hereafter Hg 0) is the predominant form in both …
Atmospheric mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites globally distributed in the framework of the GMOS network
Long-term monitoring of data of ambient mercury (Hg) on a global scale to assess its
emission, transport, atmospheric chemistry, and deposition processes is vital to …
emission, transport, atmospheric chemistry, and deposition processes is vital to …
Global atmospheric model for mercury including oxidation by bromine atoms
Global models of atmospheric mercury generally assume that gas-phase OH and ozone are
the main oxidants converting Hg 0 to Hg II and thus driving mercury deposition to …
the main oxidants converting Hg 0 to Hg II and thus driving mercury deposition to …
Current and future levels of mercury atmospheric pollution on a global scale
An assessment of current and future emissions, air concentrations, and atmospheric
deposition of mercury worldwide is presented on the basis of results obtained during the …
deposition of mercury worldwide is presented on the basis of results obtained during the …
Mercury in the southern ocean
We present here the first mercury speciation study in the water column of the Southern
Ocean, using a high-resolution south-to-north section (27 stations from 65.50° S to 44.00° S) …
Ocean, using a high-resolution south-to-north section (27 stations from 65.50° S to 44.00° S) …
A global perspective on mercury cycling in the ocean
Mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitous metal in the ocean that undergoes in situ chemical
transformations in seawater and marine sediment. Most relevant to public health is the …
transformations in seawater and marine sediment. Most relevant to public health is the …
An improved global model for air-sea exchange of mercury: High concentrations over the North Atlantic
We develop an improved treatment of the surface ocean in the GEOS-Chem global 3-D
biogeochemical model for mercury (Hg). We replace the globally uniform subsurface ocean …
biogeochemical model for mercury (Hg). We replace the globally uniform subsurface ocean …
Comparison of mercury concentrations measured at several sites in the Southern Hemisphere
Our knowledge of the distribution of mercury concentrations in air of the Southern
Hemisphere was until recently based mostly on intermittent measurements made during …
Hemisphere was until recently based mostly on intermittent measurements made during …
Top-down constraints on atmospheric mercury emissions and implications for global biogeochemical cycling
We perform global-scale inverse modeling to constrain present-day atmospheric mercury
emissions and relevant physiochemical parameters in the GEOS-Chem chemical transport …
emissions and relevant physiochemical parameters in the GEOS-Chem chemical transport …