Heat kernel estimates for symmetric jump processes with mixed polynomial growths
In this paper, we study the transition densities of pure-jump symmetric Markov processes in
ℝ d, whose jum** kernels are comparable to radially symmetric functions with mixed …
ℝ d, whose jum** kernels are comparable to radially symmetric functions with mixed …
[HTML][HTML] Heat kernels of non-symmetric Lévy-type operators
T Grzywny, K Szczypkowski - Journal of Differential Equations, 2019 - Elsevier
We construct the fundamental solution (the heat kernel) p κ to the equation∂ t= L κ, where
under certain assumptions the operator L κ takes one of the following forms, L κ f (x):=∫ R d …
under certain assumptions the operator L κ takes one of the following forms, L κ f (x):=∫ R d …
[HTML][HTML] Heat kernel for non-local operators with variable order
X Chen, ZQ Chen, J Wang - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2020 - Elsevier
Let α (x) be a measurable function taking values in [α 1, α 2] for 0< α 1⩽ α 2< 2, and κ (x, z)
be a positive measurable function that is symmetric in z and bounded between two positive …
be a positive measurable function that is symmetric in z and bounded between two positive …
Heat kernel estimates and their stabilities for symmetric jump processes with general mixed polynomial growths on metric measure spaces
Periodic homogenization of a Lévy-type process with small jumps
In this article, we consider the problem of periodic homogenization of a Feller process
generated by a pseudo-differential operator, the so-called Lévy-type process. Under the …
generated by a pseudo-differential operator, the so-called Lévy-type process. Under the …
[PDF][PDF] daniem podmiotu nadającego stopień, roku ich uzyskania oraz tytułu rozprawy doktorskiej.
K Szczypkowski - Adv. Differential Equations, 2024 - wmat.pwr.edu.pl
Matematyka odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę w opisywaniu rozmaitych zjawisk fizycznych,
biologicznych, ekonomicznych oraz społecznych. Dostarcza ona precyzyjnego języka …
biologicznych, ekonomicznych oraz społecznych. Dostarcza ona precyzyjnego języka …