Implementing PBC as a procurement strategy in the public sector: Understanding strategy-structure fit

C Ebadi, AH Glas, M Eßig - Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2025 - Elsevier
Performance-based contracting (PBC) promises a win-win situation for suppliers and buyers
in exchange relationships. It allows buyers to focus on their core competencies and shift …

Large-scale projects with digital performance-based contracting: the ultimate solution for governance control

K Ates, C Ebadi, AH Glas… - International Journal of …, 2023 -
Large-scale projects are characterised by high task complexity, intense dynamics and
uncertainties, and the involvement of numerous organisations. These characteristics provide …

Key challenges and co** strategies for performance-based contracts in Urban road maintenance

JB Yang, CC Tseng, JR Chang… - Journal of the Chinese …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Many governments worldwide have recently adopted and recognized the value of
performance-based contracts (PBCs) in various sectors. Research teams have developed …

Comparison of performance-based and traditional road maintenance contracts

A Duran - … Contemporary achievements in Civil Engineering 2021, 2021 -
The aim of this paper is to present the practical implementation of performance-based road
maintenance contracts through a comparative analysis of the advantages and …

Current international practices on pavement condition assessment

P Marcelino, ML Antunes… - Pavement and Asset …, 2019 -
Due to aging, exposure and maintenance backlog, infrastructures are deteriorating and their
capacity to provide adequate service is decreasing. Accordingly, pavement management …

[PDF][PDF] Enhancing road service compliance: a robust penalty model for efficient maintenance management

T Sita, AT Mulyono, SHT Utomo - Acta Logistica, 2024 -
Long segment pertains to a preservation effort carried out within the confines of a singular
extended stretch, potentially comprising multiple segments, with the objective of establishing …

Análisis comparativo de los sistemas de pago por disponibilidad en los contratos de concesión vial desarrollados en Colombia y España

DK Martin Diaz - 2020 -
[ES] DESCRIPCIÓN: El desarrollo del sistema concesional en Colombia ha evolucionado
en los últimos años, a lo largo de este tiempo tanto el marco normativo como el institucional …

Improving the relationship between main contractors and sub-contractors in Indonesian transportation infrastructure projects

Y Agustiawan - 2020 -
This study adopted a mixed methodology approach to investigate the way that relationship
management has been implemented in Indonesian transportation infrastructure projects …

Exploring Performance-Based Contracts: A Good Option to Address Long-Term Road Maintenance in California?

M Calahorra-Jimenez, R Poythress - 2024 -
Performance-based contracts (PBCs) used in road maintenance provide flexibility for
considering new materials, design, and technology to achieve predetermined performance …

[PDF][PDF] Механізм забезпечення стратегічного розвитку дорожньо–експлуатаційних підприємств

ЮА Маковська - Ефективна економіка, 2020 -
3 експлуатаційних якостей, що створює можливості для стратегічного розвитку
дорожньо-експлуатаційного підприємства. Встановлено, що основною причиною …