[PDF][PDF] Plant disease incidence: distributions, heterogeneity, and temporal analysis
LV Madden, G Hughes - Annual Review of Phytopathology, 1995 - researchgate.net
The statistical properties of disease incidence are reviewed and used to characterize spatial
patterns of diseased entities (eg plants), satisfy assumptions of statistical analyses, and …
patterns of diseased entities (eg plants), satisfy assumptions of statistical analyses, and …
[КНИГА][B] Practical use of the information-theoretic approach
KP Burnham, DR Anderson, KP Burnham… - 1998 - Springer
Abstract Model building and data analysis in the biological sciences somewhat presupposes
that the person has some advanced education in the quantitative sciences, and statistics in …
that the person has some advanced education in the quantitative sciences, and statistics in …
[КНИГА][B] Generalized linear models
P McCullagh - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
The success of the first edition of Generalized Linear Models led to the updated Second
Edition, which continues to provide a definitive unified, treatment of methods for the analysis …
Edition, which continues to provide a definitive unified, treatment of methods for the analysis …
Modeling survival and testing biological hypotheses using marked animals: a unified approach with case studies
The understanding of the dynamics of animal populations and of related ecological and
evolutionary issues frequently depends on a direct analysis of life history parameters. For …
evolutionary issues frequently depends on a direct analysis of life history parameters. For …
[КНИГА][B] Bioassays with arthropods
JL Robertson, MM Jones, E Olguin, B Alberts - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Imagine a statistics book for bioassays written by a statistician. Next, imagine a statistics
book for bioassays written for a layman. Bioassays with Arthropods, Third Edition offers the …
book for bioassays written for a layman. Bioassays with Arthropods, Third Edition offers the …
[КНИГА][B] Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models
L Fahrmeir, G Tutz, W Hennevogl, E Salem - 1994 - Springer
Since our first edition of this book, many developments in statistical mod elling based on
generalized linear models have been published, and our primary aim is to bring the book up …
generalized linear models have been published, and our primary aim is to bring the book up …
AIC model selection in overdispersed capture‐recapture data
Selection of a proper model as a basis for statistical inference from capture—recapture data
is critical. This is especially so when using open models in the analysis of multiple …
is critical. This is especially so when using open models in the analysis of multiple …
Testing for overdispersion in Poisson and binomial regression models
CB Dean - Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1992 - Taylor & Francis
In this article a method for obtaining tests for overdispersion with respect to a natural
exponential family is derived. The tests are designed to be powerful against arbitrary …
exponential family is derived. The tests are designed to be powerful against arbitrary …
[КНИГА][B] Models for repeated measurements
JK Lindsey - 1999 - academic.oup.com
This second edition of Models for Repeated Measurements has been comprehensively
revised and updated, taking into account the huge amount of research that has been carried …
revised and updated, taking into account the huge amount of research that has been carried …
[КНИГА][B] Statistical inference
Adopting a broad view of statistical inference, the text concentrates on what various
techniques do, with mathematical proof kept to a minimum. The approach is rigorous but …
techniques do, with mathematical proof kept to a minimum. The approach is rigorous but …