Organizational learning culture—the missing link between business process change and organizational performance
The aim of this paper is to present and test a model of organizational performance
improvement based on the impact of organizational learning culture. The concept of …
improvement based on the impact of organizational learning culture. The concept of …
[PDF][PDF] Performance effects of organizational learning in a transitional economy
V Dimovski, M Skerlavaj - Problems and perspectives in …, 2005 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
Organizational learning has emerged as one of the most promising concepts in strategic
management literature in late 1980s. Starting from initial conceptually oriented research, the …
management literature in late 1980s. Starting from initial conceptually oriented research, the …
Workspace technology's impact on individual privacy and team interaction
One way organizations increase their competitive advantage is through innovative strategies
that improve human performance. Human performance can be enhanced or constrained by …
that improve human performance. Human performance can be enhanced or constrained by …
Finding the intersection of the learning organization and learning transfer: The significance of leadership
JH Kim, JL Callahan - European Journal of Training and Development, 2013 - emerald.com
Finding the intersection of the learning organization and learning transfer: The significance of
leadership | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access …
leadership | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access …
Organizational learning and performance in two national cultures: A multi-group structural equation modeling approach
M Škerlavaj, V Dimovski - Knowledge management and organizational …, 2009 - Springer
This chapter examines the impact of organizational learning on organizational performance
in two countries. Using a multi-group structural equation modeling approach on data from …
in two countries. Using a multi-group structural equation modeling approach on data from …
The impact of technology-enhanced organisational learning on business performance: An empirical study
T Arh, BJ Blažič, V Dimovski - Journal for East European Management …, 2012 - JSTOR
This paper focuses on a presentation of the conceptualization of a structural model that was
developed to examine the impact of technology-enhanced learning and organizational …
developed to examine the impact of technology-enhanced learning and organizational …
Study of the mutual connections among information-communication technologies, organisational learning and business performance
M Škerlavaj, V Dimovski - Journal for East European Management Studies, 2006 - JSTOR
We can consider 1993 as the beginning of the era called the new or e-economy. This was
the year the Internet moved out from its military-research cocoon into general commercial …
the year the Internet moved out from its military-research cocoon into general commercial …
[HTML][HTML] Knowledge inertia and organizational learning as the explanation of organizational performance
C AKUZUM - Educational Research and Reviews, 2014 - academicjournals.org
Knowledge is an important concept for individuals and organizations both as a power and
source. Thus, knowledge management has become important subject for researchers …
source. Thus, knowledge management has become important subject for researchers …
[PDF][PDF] Menadžment poslovnih procesa i znanja u hrvatskim poduzećima
Sažetak U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja provedenog u okviru internog
projekta Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, pod nazivom Menadžment poslovnih procesa i …
projekta Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, pod nazivom Menadžment poslovnih procesa i …
Constructing a unified framework and a causal model of occupational satisfaction, trainee reactions, perception of learning, and perceived training transfer
K Kasemsap - Remote workforce training: Effective technologies and …, 2014 - igi-global.com
This chapter introduces the framework and causal model of occupational satisfaction,
trainee reactions, perception of learning, and perceived training transfer. It argues that …
trainee reactions, perception of learning, and perceived training transfer. It argues that …