[HTML][HTML] Progress in CFD simulations of fluidized beds for chemical and energy process engineering
Gas-solid fluidized beds have drawn the attention of engineers and researchers as an
effective technology for a large variety of applications, and numerical simulations can play …
effective technology for a large variety of applications, and numerical simulations can play …
Municipal solid waste (MSW) pyrolysis for bio-fuel production: A review of effects of MSW components and catalysts
With the realization of fossil fuels depletion, research has been started on the alternate
energy sources. Biomass is a renewable energy source, from which bio-fuels can been …
energy sources. Biomass is a renewable energy source, from which bio-fuels can been …
Modeling and simulation of energy systems: A review
Energy is a key driver of the modern economy, therefore modeling and simulation of energy
systems has received significant research attention. We review the major developments in …
systems has received significant research attention. We review the major developments in …
Global optimization advances in mixed-integer nonlinear programming, MINLP, and constrained derivative-free optimization, CDFO
This manuscript reviews recent advances in deterministic global optimization for Mixed-
Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), as well as Constrained Derivative-Free …
Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), as well as Constrained Derivative-Free …
Sustainable ammonia production through process synthesis and global optimization
Current ammonia production technologies have a significant carbon footprint. In this study,
we present a process synthesis and global optimization framework to discover the efficient …
we present a process synthesis and global optimization framework to discover the efficient …
Production of benzene, toluene, and xylenes from natural gas via methanol: Process synthesis and global optimization
A systematic global optimization‐based process synthesis framework is presented to
determine the most profitable processes to produce aromatics from natural gas. Several …
determine the most profitable processes to produce aromatics from natural gas. Several …
A theoretical study on municipal solid waste plasma gasification
Gasification is an innovative and effective process which reduces the amount of waste
produced by society and affords a synthetic gas with diverse applicability. In this plasma …
produced by society and affords a synthetic gas with diverse applicability. In this plasma …
A multiscale energy systems engineering approach for renewable power generation and storage optimization
Successful integration of intermittent renewable resources into the energy mix is
instrumental to meet the growing global energy demand while reducing the carbon …
instrumental to meet the growing global energy demand while reducing the carbon …
A multi-scale energy systems engineering approach towards integrated multi-product network optimization
Abstract 21 st century energy production, conversion, and delivery systems need to go
through a transition to be less carbon-intensive while meeting an increasing energy …
through a transition to be less carbon-intensive while meeting an increasing energy …
Systematic assessment of the availability and utilization potential of biomass in Bangladesh
Following the global trend of industrial growth, Bangladesh aims towards significant
industrial expansion, which is associated with increased energy consumption. Current …
industrial expansion, which is associated with increased energy consumption. Current …