Random quantum circuits

MPA Fisher, V Khemani, A Nahum… - Annual Review of …, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Quantum circuits—built from local unitary gates and local measurements—are a new
playground for quantum many-body physics and a tractable setting to explore universal …

The role of quantum information in thermodynamics—a topical review

J Goold, M Huber, A Riera, L Del Rio… - Journal of Physics A …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
This topical review article gives an overview of the interplay between quantum information
theory and thermodynamics of quantum systems. We focus on several trending topics …

Operator spreading in random unitary circuits

A Nahum, S Vijay, J Haah - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
Random quantum circuits yield minimally structured models for chaotic quantum dynamics,
which are able to capture, for example, universal properties of entanglement growth. We …

Solution of a minimal model for many-body quantum chaos

A Chan, A De Luca, JT Chalker - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
We solve a minimal model for an ergodic phase in a spatially extended quantum many-body
system. The model consists of a chain of sites with nearest-neighbor coupling under Floquet …

Emergent statistical mechanics of entanglement in random unitary circuits

T Zhou, A Nahum - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
We map the dynamics of entanglement in random unitary circuits, with finite onsite Hilbert
space dimension q, to an effective classical statistical mechanics, and develop general …

Entanglement membrane in chaotic many-body systems

T Zhou, A Nahum - Physical Review X, 2020 - APS
In certain analytically tractable quantum chaotic systems, the calculation of out-of-time-order
correlation functions, entanglement entropies after a quench, and other related dynamical …

Unifying emergent hydrodynamics and lindbladian low-energy spectra across symmetries, constraints, and long-range interactions

O Ogunnaike, J Feldmeier, JY Lee - Physical review letters, 2023 - APS
We identify emergent hydrodynamics governing charge transport in Brownian random time
evolution with various symmetries, constraints, and ranges of interactions. This is …

Entanglement entropy of eigenstates of quantum chaotic Hamiltonians

L Vidmar, M Rigol - Physical review letters, 2017 - APS
In quantum statistical mechanics, it is of fundamental interest to understand how close the
bipartite entanglement entropy of eigenstates of quantum chaotic Hamiltonians is to …

Entanglement and matrix elements of observables in interacting integrable systems

T LeBlond, K Mallayya, L Vidmar, M Rigol - Physical Review E, 2019 - APS
We study the bipartite von Neumann entanglement entropy and matrix elements of local
operators in the eigenstates of an interacting integrable Hamiltonian (the paradigmatic spin …

Spectral statistics in constrained many-body quantum chaotic systems

S Moudgalya, A Prem, DA Huse, A Chan - Physical Review Research, 2021 - APS
We study the spectral statistics of spatially extended many-body quantum systems with on-
site Abelian symmetries or local constraints, focusing primarily on those with conserved …