Overview on micro-and nanomechanical testing: New insights in interface plasticity and fracture at small length scales

G Dehm, BN Jaya, R Raghavan, C Kirchlechner - Acta Materialia, 2018 - Elsevier
Micro-and nanomechanical testing has seen a rapid development over the last decade with
miniaturized test rigs and MEMS-based devices providing access to the mechanical …

Plasticity in small-sized metallic systems: Intrinsic versus extrinsic size effect

JR Greer, JTM De Hosson - Progress in Materials Science, 2011 - Elsevier
A material strength depends on its microstructure, which in turn, is controlled by an
engineering process. Strengthening mechanisms like work hardening, precipitate, and grain …

Anisotropic tension-compression asymmetry in SLM 316L stainless steel

Z Wang, B Jiang, S Wu, W Liu - International Journal of Mechanical …, 2023 - Elsevier
Selective laser melted (SLM) metallic materials commonly possess typical columnar grains
growing epitaxially along the building direction and substantial microscale internal stresses …

Dislocation–grain boundary interaction-based discrete dislocation dynamics modeling and its application to bicrystals with different misorientations

X Zhang, S Lu, B Zhang, X Tian, Q Kan, G Kang - Acta Materialia, 2021 - Elsevier
Grain boundaries (GBs) have a significant influence on the mechanical properties of metallic
materials. It has been a great challenge to describe dislocation interactions with various …

Dislocation interactions at the grain boundary in FCC bicrystals: An atomistically-informed dislocation dynamics study

NK Aragon, JD Gravell, I Ryu - Acta Materialia, 2022 - Elsevier
To understand the underlying mechanisms that control the mechanical properties of
nanostructured metals, an insight into the role of the grain boundary in dislocation-driven …

In situ nanoindentation study on plasticity and work hardening in aluminium with incoherent twin boundaries

D Bufford, Y Liu, J Wang, H Wang, X Zhang - Nature communications, 2014 - nature.com
Nanotwinned metals have been the focus of intense research recently, as twin boundaries
may greatly enhance mechanical strength, while maintaining good ductility, electrical …

Differences in deformation behavior of bicrystalline Cu micropillars containing a twin boundary or a large-angle grain boundary

PJ Imrich, C Kirchlechner, C Motz, G Dehm - Acta materialia, 2014 - Elsevier
Micrometer-sized compression pillars containing a grain boundary are investigated to better
understand under which conditions grain boundaries have a strengthening effect. The …

Size effects in Al nanopillars: Single crystalline vs. bicrystalline

A Kunz, S Pathak, JR Greer - Acta Materialia, 2011 - Elsevier
The mechanical behavior of bicrystalline aluminum nano-pillars under uniaxial compression
reveals size effects, a stochastic stress–strain signature, and strain hardening. Pillar …

Strain-rate dependent deformation mechanism of graphene-Al nanolaminated composites studied using micro-pillar compression

L Zhao, Q Guo, Z Li, Z Li, G Fan, DB **ong, Y Su… - International Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
Uniaxial compression tests conducted at various strain rates were performed to uncover the
strain-rate dependent deformation mechanism of micro-pillars fabricated from bulk …

New insight on acoustoplasticity–ultrasonic irradiation enhances subgrain formation during deformation

KW Siu, AHW Ngan, IP Jones - International Journal of Plasticity, 2011 - Elsevier
Many industrial applications make use of ultrasonic vibration to soften metals. The existing
understanding of such an acoustoplastic effect is one in which the ultrasonic irradiation …