Overview on micro-and nanomechanical testing: New insights in interface plasticity and fracture at small length scales
Micro-and nanomechanical testing has seen a rapid development over the last decade with
miniaturized test rigs and MEMS-based devices providing access to the mechanical …
miniaturized test rigs and MEMS-based devices providing access to the mechanical …
Plasticity in small-sized metallic systems: Intrinsic versus extrinsic size effect
A material strength depends on its microstructure, which in turn, is controlled by an
engineering process. Strengthening mechanisms like work hardening, precipitate, and grain …
engineering process. Strengthening mechanisms like work hardening, precipitate, and grain …
Anisotropic tension-compression asymmetry in SLM 316L stainless steel
Z Wang, B Jiang, S Wu, W Liu - International Journal of Mechanical …, 2023 - Elsevier
Selective laser melted (SLM) metallic materials commonly possess typical columnar grains
growing epitaxially along the building direction and substantial microscale internal stresses …
growing epitaxially along the building direction and substantial microscale internal stresses …
Dislocation–grain boundary interaction-based discrete dislocation dynamics modeling and its application to bicrystals with different misorientations
Grain boundaries (GBs) have a significant influence on the mechanical properties of metallic
materials. It has been a great challenge to describe dislocation interactions with various …
materials. It has been a great challenge to describe dislocation interactions with various …
Dislocation interactions at the grain boundary in FCC bicrystals: An atomistically-informed dislocation dynamics study
To understand the underlying mechanisms that control the mechanical properties of
nanostructured metals, an insight into the role of the grain boundary in dislocation-driven …
nanostructured metals, an insight into the role of the grain boundary in dislocation-driven …
In situ nanoindentation study on plasticity and work hardening in aluminium with incoherent twin boundaries
Nanotwinned metals have been the focus of intense research recently, as twin boundaries
may greatly enhance mechanical strength, while maintaining good ductility, electrical …
may greatly enhance mechanical strength, while maintaining good ductility, electrical …
Differences in deformation behavior of bicrystalline Cu micropillars containing a twin boundary or a large-angle grain boundary
Micrometer-sized compression pillars containing a grain boundary are investigated to better
understand under which conditions grain boundaries have a strengthening effect. The …
understand under which conditions grain boundaries have a strengthening effect. The …
Size effects in Al nanopillars: Single crystalline vs. bicrystalline
The mechanical behavior of bicrystalline aluminum nano-pillars under uniaxial compression
reveals size effects, a stochastic stress–strain signature, and strain hardening. Pillar …
reveals size effects, a stochastic stress–strain signature, and strain hardening. Pillar …
Strain-rate dependent deformation mechanism of graphene-Al nanolaminated composites studied using micro-pillar compression
Uniaxial compression tests conducted at various strain rates were performed to uncover the
strain-rate dependent deformation mechanism of micro-pillars fabricated from bulk …
strain-rate dependent deformation mechanism of micro-pillars fabricated from bulk …
New insight on acoustoplasticity–ultrasonic irradiation enhances subgrain formation during deformation
KW Siu, AHW Ngan, IP Jones - International Journal of Plasticity, 2011 - Elsevier
Many industrial applications make use of ultrasonic vibration to soften metals. The existing
understanding of such an acoustoplastic effect is one in which the ultrasonic irradiation …
understanding of such an acoustoplastic effect is one in which the ultrasonic irradiation …