Impact of distributed generation on protection and voltage regulation of distribution systems: A review
During recent decades with the power system restructuring process, centralized energy
sources are being replaced with decentralized ones. This phenomenon has resulted in a …
sources are being replaced with decentralized ones. This phenomenon has resulted in a …
State-of-the-art techniques for modelling of uncertainties in active distribution network planning: A review
The intermittent generation of non-dispatchable renewable distributed generation, along
with the load variability, demand growth and electricity market prices impose operational …
with the load variability, demand growth and electricity market prices impose operational …
Distributed generation hosting capacity evaluation for distribution systems considering the robust optimal operation of OLTC and SVC
With the rapidly increasing penetration of renewable distributed generation (DG), the
maximum hosting capacity (MHC) of a distribution system has become a major concern. To …
maximum hosting capacity (MHC) of a distribution system has become a major concern. To …
Overview of electric energy distribution networks expansion planning
Planning of the electric distribution networks is complex and about upgrading the system to
satisfy the demand and constraints with the best economic plan. The planning alternatives …
satisfy the demand and constraints with the best economic plan. The planning alternatives …
Improving hosting capacity of unbalanced distribution networks via robust allocation of battery energy storage systems
Distribution system operators aim to improve hosting capacity (HC) of distribution networks
(DNs) to accommodate more distributed rooftop photovoltaics (PVs). Although PV power …
(DNs) to accommodate more distributed rooftop photovoltaics (PVs). Although PV power …
A review on optimization strategies integrating renewable energy sources focusing uncertainty factor–Paving path to eco-friendly smart cities
Renewable and sustainable energy with advancement in information and communication
technologies bear huge expectations in power sector. Whereas, switching from traditional to …
technologies bear huge expectations in power sector. Whereas, switching from traditional to …
Cooperative planning of active distribution system with renewable energy sources and energy storage systems
In this paper, a multi-objective, multi-level model is proposed for active distribution system
expansion planning with high-penetration renewable energy sources (RESs) and energy …
expansion planning with high-penetration renewable energy sources (RESs) and energy …
[HTML][HTML] Navigating the complexities of distributed generation: Integration, challenges, and solutions
In recent years, the landscape of power generation has undergone a significant
transformation, moving from centralized power plants to decentralized power systems. This …
transformation, moving from centralized power plants to decentralized power systems. This …
Distribution network expansion planning: An updated review of current methods and new challenges
Many studies have been conducted on the distribution network expansion planning (DNEP)
problem in recent years. The primary goal of this issue is to satisfy electric load demand …
problem in recent years. The primary goal of this issue is to satisfy electric load demand …
Chance-constrained economic dispatch with non-Gaussian correlated wind power uncertainty
Extending traditional deterministic economic dispatch to incorporate significant stochastic
wind power is an important but challenging task in today's power system decision making. In …
wind power is an important but challenging task in today's power system decision making. In …