Physics-aware machine learning revolutionizes scientific paradigm for machine learning and process-based hydrology
Accurate hydrological understanding and water cycle prediction are crucial for addressing
scientific and societal challenges associated with the management of water resources …
scientific and societal challenges associated with the management of water resources …
Generalized teacher forcing for learning chaotic dynamics
Chaotic dynamical systems (DS) are ubiquitous in nature and society. Often we are
interested in reconstructing such systems from observed time series for prediction or …
interested in reconstructing such systems from observed time series for prediction or …
Curiosity-driven search for novel nonequilibrium behaviors
Exploring the full spectrum of novel behaviors that a system can produce can be an
intensive task. Sampling techniques developed in response to this exploration challenge …
intensive task. Sampling techniques developed in response to this exploration challenge …
Bayesian Meta-Learning for Probabilistic Modeling and Optimization
M Volpp - 2025 - publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu
Trotz ihres erwiesenen Potenzials sind moderne Methoden des maschinellen Lernens in
der Praxis oft nicht ohne Weiteres anwendbar, zB für viele Modellierungs-oder …
der Praxis oft nicht ohne Weiteres anwendbar, zB für viele Modellierungs-oder …
Let's do the time-warp-attend: Learning topological invariants of dynamical systems
Dynamical systems across the sciences, from electrical circuits to ecological networks,
undergo qualitative and often catastrophic changes in behavior, called bifurcations, when …
undergo qualitative and often catastrophic changes in behavior, called bifurcations, when …