Phylogenomics of Characidae, a hyper-diverse Neotropical freshwater fish lineage, with a phylogenetic classification including four families (Teleostei: Characiformes)
Neotropical tetras of the family Characidae form the largest and most taxonomically complex
clade within the order Characiformes. Previous phylogenetic relationships concur on the …
clade within the order Characiformes. Previous phylogenetic relationships concur on the …
Estimating the effective sample size of tree topologies from Bayesian phylogenetic analyses
Bayesian phylogenetic analyses estimate posterior distributions of phylogenetic tree
topologies and other parameters using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Before …
topologies and other parameters using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Before …
19 dubious ways to compute the marginal likelihood of a phylogenetic tree topology
The marginal likelihood of a model is a key quantity for assessing the evidence provided by
the data in support of a model. The marginal likelihood is the normalizing constant for the …
the data in support of a model. The marginal likelihood is the normalizing constant for the …
Evaluating probabilistic programming and fast variational Bayesian inference in phylogenetics
Recent advances in statistical machine learning techniques have led to the creation of
probabilistic programming frameworks. These frameworks enable probabilistic models to be …
probabilistic programming frameworks. These frameworks enable probabilistic models to be …
Variational phylodynamic inference using pandemic-scale data
The ongoing global pandemic has sharply increased the amount of data available to
researchers in epidemiology and public health. Unfortunately, few existing analysis tools are …
researchers in epidemiology and public health. Unfortunately, few existing analysis tools are …
Bayesian estimation of population size changes by sampling Tajima's trees
The large state space of gene genealogies is a major hurdle for inference methods based
on Kingman's coalescent. Here, we present a new Bayesian approach for inferring past …
on Kingman's coalescent. Here, we present a new Bayesian approach for inferring past …
Zig-zag sampling for discrete structures and nonreversible phylogenetic MCMC
J Koskela - Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
We construct a zig-zag process targeting a posterior distribution defined on a hybrid state
space consisting of both discrete and continuous variables. The construction does not …
space consisting of both discrete and continuous variables. The construction does not …
Adaptive tree proposals for Bayesian phylogenetic inference
X Meyer - Systematic Biology, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Bayesian inference of phylogeny with Markov chain Monte Carlo plays a key role in the
study of evolution. Yet, this method still suffers from a practical challenge identified more …
study of evolution. Yet, this method still suffers from a practical challenge identified more …
Bayesian Least-Squares Supertrees (BLeSS): flexible inference of large time-calibrated phylogenies
Time-calibrated phylogenies are key to macroevolutionary hypothesis testing and parameter
inference, but their estimation is difficult when the number of tips is large. Despite its …
inference, but their estimation is difficult when the number of tips is large. Despite its …
A surrogate function for one-dimensional phylogenetic likelihoods
Phylogenetics has seen a steady increase in data set size and substitution model
complexity, which require increasing amounts of computational power to compute …
complexity, which require increasing amounts of computational power to compute …