The productivity, metabolism and carbon cycle of tropical forest vegetation
Y Malhi - Journal of Ecology, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Tropical forests account for one‐third of the total metabolic activity of the Earth's land
surface. Hence, understanding the controls on tropical forest photosynthesis and respiration …
surface. Hence, understanding the controls on tropical forest photosynthesis and respiration …
Multi‐element regulation of the tropical forest carbon cycle
Tropical ecosystems dominate the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere
and terrestrial biosphere, yet our understanding of how nutrients control the tropical carbon …
and terrestrial biosphere, yet our understanding of how nutrients control the tropical carbon …
Basin-wide variation in tree hydraulic safety margins predicts the carbon balance of Amazon forests
Tropical forests face increasing climate risk,, yet our ability to predict their response to
climate change is limited by poor understanding of their resistance to water stress. Although …
climate change is limited by poor understanding of their resistance to water stress. Although …
Species distributions in response to individual soil nutrients and seasonal drought across a community of tropical trees
Tropical forest vegetation is shaped by climate and by soil, but understanding how the
distributions of individual tree species respond to specific resources has been hindered by …
distributions of individual tree species respond to specific resources has been hindered by …
Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees
Tropical tree height-diameter (H: D) relationships may vary by forest type and region making
large-scale estimates of above-ground biomass subject to bias if they ignore these …
large-scale estimates of above-ground biomass subject to bias if they ignore these …
Soils of Amazonia with particular reference to the RAINFOR sites
The tropical forests of the Amazon Basin occur on a wide variety of different soil types
reflecting a rich diversity of geologic origins and geomorphic processes. We here review the …
reflecting a rich diversity of geologic origins and geomorphic processes. We here review the …
Variations in chemical and physical properties of Amazon forest soils in relation to their genesis
Soil samples were collected in six South American countries in a total of 71 different 1 ha
forest plots across the Amazon Basin as part of the RAINFOR project. They were analysed …
forest plots across the Amazon Basin as part of the RAINFOR project. They were analysed …
Drought tolerance as predicted by leaf water potential at turgor loss point varies strongly across species within an Amazonian forest
Amazonian droughts are predicted to become increasingly frequent and intense, and the
vulnerability of Amazonian trees has become increasingly documented. However, little is …
vulnerability of Amazonian trees has become increasingly documented. However, little is …
Basin-wide variations in foliar properties of Amazonian forest: phylogeny, soils and climate
We analysed 1040 individual trees, located in 62 plots across the Amazon Basin for leaf
mass per unit area (MA), foliar carbon isotopic composition (δ 13 C) and leaf level …
mass per unit area (MA), foliar carbon isotopic composition (δ 13 C) and leaf level …
Nutrient limitation in rainforests and cloud forests along a 3,000-m elevation gradient in the Peruvian Andes
We report results from a large-scale nutrient fertilization experiment along a
“megadiverse”(154 unique species were included in the study) 3,000-m elevation transect in …
“megadiverse”(154 unique species were included in the study) 3,000-m elevation transect in …