Incorporating tides and internal gravity waves within global ocean general circulation models: A review
BK Arbic - Progress in Oceanography, 2022 - Elsevier
Until recently, high-resolution global modeling of tides has been done separately from high-
resolution global modeling of the atmospherically-forced oceanic general circulation. Here …
resolution global modeling of the atmospherically-forced oceanic general circulation. Here …
Role of the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio–Oyashio systems in large-scale atmosphere–ocean interaction: A review
Ocean–atmosphere interaction over the Northern Hemisphere western boundary current
(WBC) regions (ie, the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, Oyashio, and their extensions) is reviewed …
(WBC) regions (ie, the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, Oyashio, and their extensions) is reviewed …
Evaluation of climate models
Climate models have continued to be developed and improved since the AR4, and many
models have been extended into Earth System models by including the representation of …
models have been extended into Earth System models by including the representation of …
[HTML][HTML] High resolution model intercomparison project (HighResMIP v1. 0) for CMIP6
Robust projections and predictions of climate variability and change, particularly at regional
scales, rely on the driving processes being represented with fidelity in model simulations …
scales, rely on the driving processes being represented with fidelity in model simulations …
Global seasonal forecast system version 5 (GloSea5): A high‐resolution seasonal forecast system
This article describes the UK Met Office Global Seasonal forecast system version 5
(GloSea5). GloSea5 upgrades include an increase in horizontal resolution in the …
(GloSea5). GloSea5 upgrades include an increase in horizontal resolution in the …
Impacts on ocean heat from transient mesoscale eddies in a hierarchy of climate models
The authors characterize impacts on heat in the ocean climate system from transient ocean
mesoscale eddies. Their tool is a suite of centennial-scale 1990 radiatively forced numerical …
mesoscale eddies. Their tool is a suite of centennial-scale 1990 radiatively forced numerical …
[CARTE][B] Climate change 2001: the scientific basis
JT Houghton, Y Ding, DJ Griggs, M Noguer… - 2001 - academia.edu
This report is the first complete assessment of the science of climate change since Working
Group I (WGI) of the IPCC produced its second report Climate Change 1995: The Science of …
Group I (WGI) of the IPCC produced its second report Climate Change 1995: The Science of …
Global high‐resolution map** of ocean circulation from TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS‐1 and‐2
N Ducet, PY Le Traon… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
This study focuses on the improved estimation of mesoscale surface ocean circulation
obtained by merging TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) and ERS‐1 and‐2 altimeter measurements …
obtained by merging TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) and ERS‐1 and‐2 altimeter measurements …
[CARTE][B] Introduction to physical oceanography
RH Stewart - 2008 - academia.edu
This book is written for upper-division undergraduates and new graduate students in
meteorology, ocean engineering, and oceanography. Because these students have a …
meteorology, ocean engineering, and oceanography. Because these students have a …
The HYCOM (hybrid coordinate ocean model) data assimilative system
EP Chassignet, HE Hurlburt, OM Smedstad… - Journal of Marine …, 2007 - Elsevier
This article provides an overview of the effort centered on the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean
Model (HYCOM) to develop an eddy-resolving, real-time global and basin-scale ocean …
Model (HYCOM) to develop an eddy-resolving, real-time global and basin-scale ocean …