Incorporating tides and internal gravity waves within global ocean general circulation models: A review

BK Arbic - Progress in Oceanography, 2022 - Elsevier
Until recently, high-resolution global modeling of tides has been done separately from high-
resolution global modeling of the atmospherically-forced oceanic general circulation. Here …

Role of the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio–Oyashio systems in large-scale atmosphere–ocean interaction: A review

YO Kwon, MA Alexander, NA Bond… - Journal of …, 2010 -
Ocean–atmosphere interaction over the Northern Hemisphere western boundary current
(WBC) regions (ie, the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, Oyashio, and their extensions) is reviewed …

Evaluation of climate models

G Flato, J Marotzke, B Abiodun, P Braconnot… - Climate change 2013 …, 2014 -
Climate models have continued to be developed and improved since the AR4, and many
models have been extended into Earth System models by including the representation of …

[HTML][HTML] High resolution model intercomparison project (HighResMIP v1. 0) for CMIP6

RJ Haarsma, MJ Roberts, PL Vidale… - Geoscientific Model …, 2016 -
Robust projections and predictions of climate variability and change, particularly at regional
scales, rely on the driving processes being represented with fidelity in model simulations …

Global seasonal forecast system version 5 (GloSea5): A high‐resolution seasonal forecast system

C MacLachlan, A Arribas, KA Peterson… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This article describes the UK Met Office Global Seasonal forecast system version 5
(GloSea5). GloSea5 upgrades include an increase in horizontal resolution in the …

Impacts on ocean heat from transient mesoscale eddies in a hierarchy of climate models

SM Griffies, M Winton, WG Anderson… - Journal of …, 2015 -
The authors characterize impacts on heat in the ocean climate system from transient ocean
mesoscale eddies. Their tool is a suite of centennial-scale 1990 radiatively forced numerical …

[CARTE][B] Climate change 2001: the scientific basis

JT Houghton, Y Ding, DJ Griggs, M Noguer… - 2001 -
This report is the first complete assessment of the science of climate change since Working
Group I (WGI) of the IPCC produced its second report Climate Change 1995: The Science of …

Global high‐resolution map** of ocean circulation from TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS‐1 and‐2

N Ducet, PY Le Traon… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
This study focuses on the improved estimation of mesoscale surface ocean circulation
obtained by merging TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) and ERS‐1 and‐2 altimeter measurements …

[CARTE][B] Introduction to physical oceanography

RH Stewart - 2008 -
This book is written for upper-division undergraduates and new graduate students in
meteorology, ocean engineering, and oceanography. Because these students have a …

The HYCOM (hybrid coordinate ocean model) data assimilative system

EP Chassignet, HE Hurlburt, OM Smedstad… - Journal of Marine …, 2007 - Elsevier
This article provides an overview of the effort centered on the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean
Model (HYCOM) to develop an eddy-resolving, real-time global and basin-scale ocean …