Occurrence, potential ecological risks, and degradation of endocrine disrupter, nonylphenol, from the aqueous environment

G Bhandari, AR Bagheri, P Bhatt, M Bilal - Chemosphere, 2021 - Elsevier
Nonylphenol (NP) is considered a potential endocrine-disrupting chemical affecting humans
and the environment. Due to widespread occurrence in the aquatic environment and neuro …

Organic contaminants in African aquatic systems: current knowledge, health risks, and future research directions

W Gwenzi, N Chaukura - Science of the Total Environment, 2018 - Elsevier
Organic contaminants (OCs) are increasingly being reported in African aquatic systems, yet
a critical evaluation of the literature is still lacking. The objectives of this review were to:(1) …

Bioaccumulation and heavy metal concentration in tissues of some commercial fishes from the Meghna River Estuary in Bangladesh and human health implications

ASS Ahmed, M Rahman, S Sultana, SMOF Babu… - Marine pollution …, 2019 - Elsevier
Despite the beneficial aspect of aquatic food's consumption, bioaccumulation of toxic metals
in fish can enhance the health risk for the consumers. Heavy metals were measured from …

DDT contamination in water resources of some African countries and its impact on water quality and human health

L Makgoba, A Abrams, M Röösli, G Cissé, MA Dalvie - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) usage has been prohibited in developed nations
since 1972 but is exempted for use in indoor residual spraying (IRS) in develo** …

Bioaccumulation and risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides in fish from a global biodiversity hotspot: iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa

A Buah-Kwofie, MS Humphries, L Pillay - Science of the total environment, 2018 - Elsevier
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have been used extensively in the eastern regions of
South Africa for agricultural and malaria control purposes, yet few data exist on the local …

Intersex in teleost fish: are we distinguishing endocrine disruption from natural phenomena?

PA Bahamonde, KR Munkittrick, CJ Martyniuk - General and comparative …, 2013 - Elsevier
Intersex is defined as the simultaneous presence of male and female gonadal tissue in a
gonochoristic (fixed-sex) species. The intersex condition has been documented in both wild …

Bioaccumulation and human health risk assessment of DDT and other organochlorine pesticides in an apex aquatic predator from a premier conservation area

R Gerber, NJ Smit, JHJ Van Vuren… - Science of the Total …, 2016 - Elsevier
With the second highest gross domestic product in Africa, South Africa is known to have a
high pesticide usage, including the highly persistent and banned group of organochlorine …

Endocrine-disrupting effects of pesticides through interference with human glucocorticoid receptor

J Zhang, J Zhang, R Liu, J Gan, J Liu… - Environmental science & …, 2016 - ACS Publications
Many pesticides have been identified as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) due to their
ability to bind sex-steroid hormone receptors. However, little attention has been paid to the …

Agrochemicals in freshwater systems and their potential as endocrine disrupting chemicals: A South African context

I Horak, S Horn, R Pieters - Environmental Pollution, 2021 - Elsevier
South Africa is the largest agrochemical user in sub-Saharan Africa, with over 3000
registered pesticide products. Although they reduce crop losses, these chemicals reach non …

Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) as endocrine disrupting contaminants (EDCs) in South African surface waters

E Archer, GM Wolfaardt, JH Van Wyk - Water Sa, 2017 - ajol.info
Globally, water resources are under constant threat of being polluted by a diverse range of
man-made chemicals, and South Africa is no exception. These contaminants can have …