Non-hermitian physics

Y Ashida, Z Gong, M Ueda - Advances in Physics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
A review is given on the foundations and applications of non-Hermitian classical and
quantum physics. First, key theorems and central concepts in non-Hermitian linear algebra …

[หนังสือ][B] The Jaynes–Cummings model and its descendants: modern research directions

J Larson, T Mavrogordatos - 2021 -
The Jaynes–Cummings Model (JCM) has recently been receiving increased attention as
one of the simplest, yet intricately nonlinear, models of quantum physics. Emphasising the …

Measurement-induced entanglement phase transition on a superconducting quantum processor with mid-circuit readout

JM Koh, SN Sun, M Motta, AJ Minnich - Nature Physics, 2023 -
Quantum many-body systems subjected to unitary evolution with the addition of interspersed
measurements exhibit a variety of dynamical phases that do not occur under pure unitary …

Cavity QED with quantum gases: new paradigms in many-body physics

F Mivehvar, F Piazza, T Donner, H Ritsch - Advances in Physics, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
We review the recent developments and the current status in the field of quantum-gas cavity
QED. Since the first experimental demonstration of atomic self-ordering in a system …

Quantum Zeno effect and the many-body entanglement transition

Y Li, X Chen, MPA Fisher - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We introduce and explore a one-dimensional “hybrid” quantum circuit model consisting of
both unitary gates and projective measurements. While the unitary gates are drawn from a …

Measurement-induced phase transition in the monitored Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model

SK Jian, C Liu, X Chen, B Swingle, P Zhang - Physical review letters, 2021 - APS
We construct Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) chains subjected to continuous monitoring
and explore possible entanglement phase transitions therein. We analytically derive the …

Measurement-induced dark state phase transitions in long-ranged fermion systems

T Müller, S Diehl, M Buchhold - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
We identify an unconventional algebraic scaling phase in the quantum dynamics of long-
range hop**, free fermions, which are exposed to continuous local measurements. The …

Measurement-induced quantum criticality under continuous monitoring

Y Fuji, Y Ashida - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
We investigate entanglement phase transitions from volume-law to area-law entanglement
in a quantum many-body state under continuous position measurement on the basis of the …

Topological physics of non-Hermitian optics and photonics: a review

H Wang, X Zhang, J Hua, D Lei, M Lu, Y Chen - Journal of Optics, 2021 -
The notion of non-Hermitian optics and photonics rooted in quantum mechanics and
photonic systems has recently attracted considerable attention ushering in tremendous …

PT-symmetric non-Hermitian quantum many-body system using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice with controlled dissipation

Y Takasu, T Yagami, Y Ashida… - … of Theoretical and …, 2020 -
We report our realization of a parity–time (PT)-symmetric non-Hermitian many-body system
using cold atoms with dissipation. After develo** a theoretical framework on PT-symmetric …