Microalgae as feed sources and feed additives for sustainable aquaculture: prospects and challenges
Aquaculture is an essential source of protein and essential fatty acids for humans. However,
the sustainable development of aquaculture faces numerous challenges, including a …
the sustainable development of aquaculture faces numerous challenges, including a …
[HTML][HTML] Microalgae-based biodiesel production and its challenges and future opportunities: A review
The rapid depletion of fossil fuel reserves and rising greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions
have necessitated research into low-cost renewable energy sources, with a focus on algal …
have necessitated research into low-cost renewable energy sources, with a focus on algal …
[HTML][HTML] Emerging applications of Chlorella sp. and Spirulina (Arthrospira) sp.
Chlorella sp. and Spirulina (Arthrospira) sp. account for over 90% of the global microalgal
biomass production and represent one of the most promising aquiculture bioeconomy …
biomass production and represent one of the most promising aquiculture bioeconomy …
Carbon capture, storage, and usage with microalgae: a review
Global warming is induced partly by rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, calling for
sustainable methods to sequester carbon. Here we review carbon capture, usage, and …
sustainable methods to sequester carbon. Here we review carbon capture, usage, and …
[HTML][HTML] Real textile industrial wastewater treatment and biodiesel production using microalgae
Microalgae are promising feedstocks capable to simultaneously treat wastewater and
produce biodiesel. The focus current studyis the treatment of real textile wastewater (RTWW) …
produce biodiesel. The focus current studyis the treatment of real textile wastewater (RTWW) …
Insights about fungus-microalgae symbiotic system in microalgae harvesting and wastewater treatment: A review
J Wang, Q Tian, W Zeng, G Qiu, L Shen - Renewable and sustainable …, 2023 - Elsevier
Microalgae can provide a wide range of adsorption groups and have remarkable effects on
pollutant removal owing to the presence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), with …
pollutant removal owing to the presence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), with …
Bioengineering strategies of microalgae biomass for biofuel production: recent advancement and insight
T Sundaram, S Rajendran, L Gnanasekaran… - …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Algae-based biofuel developed over the past decade has become a viable substitute for
petroleum-based energy sources. Due to their high lipid accumulation rates and low carbon …
petroleum-based energy sources. Due to their high lipid accumulation rates and low carbon …
Upcycling fruit waste into microalgae biotechnology: Perspective views and way forward
Fruit and vegetable wastes are linked to the depletion of natural resources and can pose
serious health and environmental risks (eg eutrophication, water and soil pollution, and …
serious health and environmental risks (eg eutrophication, water and soil pollution, and …
Advanced thermochemical conversion of algal biomass to liquid and gaseous biofuels: a comprehensive review of recent advances
RY Krishnan, S Manikandan, R Subbaiya… - Sustainable Energy …, 2022 - Elsevier
Algal biomass is considered to be one of the most promising feedstocks of importance for
conversion into biofuels. With their benefits over other biomass feedstocks, such as …
conversion into biofuels. With their benefits over other biomass feedstocks, such as …
[HTML][HTML] Parabens removal from wastewaters by microalgae–Ecotoxicity, metabolism and pathways
The presence of emerging contaminants (ECs) in aquatic systems and, particularly, in
wastewater (WW) has become a major concern over the past years. Among these …
wastewater (WW) has become a major concern over the past years. Among these …