A data mining approach to forecast students' career placement probabilities and recommendations in the programming field
The career opportunities in computer programming are vast and rapidly increasing. Skilled
software engineers, programmers, and developers are vigorously in demand worldwide …
software engineers, programmers, and developers are vigorously in demand worldwide …
The factors that affect the career choices of the young generation in private universities in Malaysia
DH Chiew, BC Jong, TL Low, MH Tan - 2023 - eprints.utar.edu.my
As higher education becomes more available to wide range of people, so does the number
of graduates from universities each year, along with the growth of the population. With that …
of graduates from universities each year, along with the growth of the population. With that …
Parents' Economic Status and Undergraduate Selected Courses in Private Universities in Western Uganda. A Case study of Kampala International University Western …
This study assessed the effect of Parents' social-economic status on undergraduate
selection of courses in Private Universities in Western Uganda, with a case of KIU Western …
selection of courses in Private Universities in Western Uganda, with a case of KIU Western …
[PDF][PDF] Attitude, Time Management Work-Life Balance and Career Choices: A Mediating Effect of Protean Career Attitude among Medical Students in Malaysia
CD Ainer, SNS Musa, S Raba'ah, SBMT Hamzah… - kwpublications.com
A thorough empirical approach to protean career attitude as a mediator has yet to be
completely established, even though the relevance of this variable has been explored in the …
completely established, even though the relevance of this variable has been explored in the …
Factors influencing male teacher trainees' career choice for early childhood education at Colleges of Education in the Upper West Region
I Nuopre - 2023 - ir.uew.edu.gh
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing male teacher trainees' career
choice for ECE at Colleges of Education in the Upper West Region. The study employed …
choice for ECE at Colleges of Education in the Upper West Region. The study employed …
Determinant of Career Choices Awareness Among Undergraduate Students
The increasing number of unemployed and job competitiveness causing the students to
have a hard time choosing their career choices. Thus, this research aims to study on …
have a hard time choosing their career choices. Thus, this research aims to study on …
[PDF][PDF] International Journal of Asian Social Science
MZ Bin, FA Binti - 2023 - researchgate.net
Contribution/Originality: This study is one of several case studies of child marriage in
Malaysia that emphasizes analysis from various legal angles and obstacles to propose a …
Malaysia that emphasizes analysis from various legal angles and obstacles to propose a …