Parametric analysis on drilling of aluminium alloy hybrid composites reinforced with SIC/WC

SS Babu, C Dhanasekaran… - Engineering …, 2022 -
Aluminium alloy (Al7075) based hybrid metal matrix composites reinforced with Silicon
carbide (SiC) and Tungsten carbide (WC), at 5 wt% each are considered for this …

Machinability characteristics in Zn-40Al alloy: The effect of addition of copper and silicon and optimization of cutting parameters using response surface methodology

Ş Bayraktar, G Pehli̇van - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2025 - Elsevier
In this study, the impacts of Cu and Si additions to Zn-40Al alloy on its microstructural,
mechanical and machinability properties were investigated in the turning process. Zn-40Al …

Radiation transmittance of aluminum/silicon matrix functionally graded hybrid composites reinforced with B4C/TiO2

Z Özkan, U Gökmen - Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2023 - Elsevier
Radiation transmittance properties of the functionally graded hybrid composite material with
B 4 C+ TiO 2 at various proportions were analyzed using the Phy-x/PSD software. The …

Estimating of cutting force and surface roughness in turning of GFRP composites with different orientation angles using artificial neural network

A Yardimeden - Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2022 -
Glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite materials are widely used in many
manufacturing industries due to their low density and high strength properties, and …

Experimental research on machinability characteristics of Al-9Si alloy: Effect of Sr and Mg additives

AP Hekimoğlu, Ş Bayraktar - Proceedings of the Institution of …, 2022 -
In this study, the effects of strontium (Sr) and magnesium (Mg) elements in certain rates
added to Al-9Si alloy manufactured using permanent mold casting technique on the …

Comparative evaluation of CNC milling of novel hybrid Al7075-Mg-SiC-FA and Al6061-SiC-Mg metal matrix composites for machining time reduction

K Bharath, A Bejaxhin - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2024 -
To establish the optimal feed and spindle speeds for effective milling of milled slots in sand-
cast Al7075 hybrid metal matrix composites with a 15 percent weight fraction of SiC+ Mg, the …

CVD-TiCN/Al2O3/TiN Kaplamalı Kesici Uç ile Al-12Si-(0, 02-1) Sr Alaşımlarının Tornalanmasında Kesme Kuvveti ve Yüzey Pürüzlülüğü Üzerine Deneysel Çalışma

AP Hekimoğlu, Ş Bayraktar - … University Journal of Science Part C …, 2022 -
Bu çalışmada, farklı oranlarda (% 0, 02; 0, 1 ve 1) stronsiyum (Sr) içeren üç adet Al-12Si-Sr
alaşımı kokil kalıba döküm yöntemiyle üretildi. Üretilen alaşımların içyapıları metalografik …

[PDF][PDF] Effects of hard oxides reinforcing of iron-based mmcs on the surface topography features after finish turning

R Maruda, K Leksycki, E Feldshtein… - Advances in Science …, 2023 -
Effects of Hard Oxides Reinforcing of Iron-Based MMCs on the Surface Topography Features after
Finish Turning Page 1 15 INTRODUCTION Metal matrix composites (MMCs) are increasingly …

Rene 41 Süper Alaşımının Tornalama Yöntemiyle İşlenebilirliğinin Araştırılması

F Meydaneri, G Uzun - İmalat Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları, 2022 -
Süper alaşımlar yüksek sıcaklığa karşı direnci olan ve yüksek sürünme dayanımları ile
korozyona karşı direncinin yüksek olması sebebiyle uzay ve havacılık sektöründe yaygın …

Kokil kalıba Döküm Yöntemi ile Üretilmiş Al-12Si-(0,02-1) Sr Alaşımlarının CVD-TiCN/Al2O3/TiN Kaplamalı Kesici Uç ile Torna İanmasında Kesme Kuvveti ve Yüzey …

AP HEKİMOĞLU… - Gazi Üniversitesi Fen …, 2022 -
Purpose: In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of strontium (Sr) additions at
different rates (0.02; 0.1 and 1%) on the cutting force, surface roughness and BUE (Built up …