[KNYGA][B] Parsing schemata for practical text analysis

C Gómez-Rodríguez - 2010 - books.google.com
The book presents a wide range of recent research results about parsing schemata,
introducing formal frameworks and theoretical results while kee** a constant focus on …

Error-repair parsing schemata

C Gómez-Rodríguez, MA Alonso, M Vilares - Theoretical computer science, 2010 - Elsevier
Robustness, the ability to analyze any input regardless of its grammaticality, is a desirable
property for any system dealing with unrestricted natural language text. Error-repair parsing …

A general method for transforming standard parsers into error-repair parsers

C Gómez-Rodríguez, MA Alonso, M Vilares - International Conference on …, 2009 - Springer
A desirable property for any system dealing with unrestricted natural language text is
robustness, the ability to analyze any input regardless of its grammaticality. In this paper we …

Adquisición y representación del conocimiento mediante procesamiento del lenguaje natural

M Fernández Gavilanes - 2012 - ruc.udc.es
Este trabajo introduce un marco para la recuperación de información combinando el
procesamiento del lenguaje natural y conocimiento de un dominio, abordando la totalidad …

[PDF][PDF] Enfoques sintáctico y pseudo-sintáctico para la recuperación de información en español

J Vilares, C Gómez-Rodríguez… - … de información textual …, 2006 - academia.edu
La utilización de técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural permite mejorar el
rendimiento de aquellos sistemas de recuperación de información que trabajan sobre textos …

A predictive bottom-up parser

R Jabri - Computing, 2011 - Springer
Despite all advances in parsing, parser size, conflict resolution and error recovery are still of
important consideration. In this research, we propose a predictive bottom-up parser. The …

[PDF][PDF] TIN2004-07246-C03

MV Ferro, MAA Pardo, VJD Madrigal - grupolys.org
The phenomenon of globalisation in the access to information forces us to face the
challenge of adapting to it. There are four main reasons for this. Firstly, as a result of the …