Antecedents and consequences of innovation and business strategy on performance and competitive advantage of SMEs
The study aims to develop concepts originating through empirical research models to build
superior competitiveness and optimal performance achievement. Therefore, to bridge these …
superior competitiveness and optimal performance achievement. Therefore, to bridge these …
TQM and sustainability: a study of the methods and CSFs of TQM for achieving sustainability
This study aims to investigate the existing link between Total Quality Management (TQM)
and Sustainability, consistent with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach. For this purpose, a …
and Sustainability, consistent with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach. For this purpose, a …
The application of SERVQUAL distribution in measuring customer satisfaction of retails company
Purpose-This research strives to analyze and investigate customers' perception of the
dimensions of service quality at retails in Makassar Municipality of Indonesia Country. This …
dimensions of service quality at retails in Makassar Municipality of Indonesia Country. This …
Relationship of TQM on managerial perfomance: Evidence from property sector in Indonesia
Purpose: This study seeks to bridge between the research by Lawrence (1999) and Retegan
(1992), where the focus of TQM on his studies rests on customer satisfaction. Whereas in …
(1992), where the focus of TQM on his studies rests on customer satisfaction. Whereas in …
Structural model of develo** human resources performance: Empirical study of Indonesia states owned enterprises
This study aims to analyze the effect of structural Person-Organization Fit and organizational
justice on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior …
justice on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior …
[PDF][PDF] Perceived distribution quality awareness, organizational culture, TQM on quality output
Purpose: For the last few decades, TQM has become a hot topic in the inner-disciplinary
field in the production management line. Still, unfortunately, the study of TQM and Quality …
field in the production management line. Still, unfortunately, the study of TQM and Quality …
The impact of total quality management and perceived service quality on patient satisfaction in healthcare: a systematic review
The main goal of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Perceived Service Quality (PSQ) in
the healthcare sector is to provide high-quality care to patients to meet their needs and …
the healthcare sector is to provide high-quality care to patients to meet their needs and …
The impact of product quality, price, and distribution on satisfaction and loyalty
Purpose-This research investigates the old marketing mix approach to satisfaction and
loyalty from the perspective of research subjects of Samsung brand smartphone cases …
loyalty from the perspective of research subjects of Samsung brand smartphone cases …
[PDF][PDF] Planning strategy of operation business and maintenance by analytical hierarchy process and strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat integration for energy …
This study integrates analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and strength, weakness,
opportunity, and threat (SWOT) in strategic planning or strategy formulation to demonstrate …
opportunity, and threat (SWOT) in strategic planning or strategy formulation to demonstrate …
The relationship between islamic leadership on employee engagement distribution in FMCG industry: Anthropology business review
Purpose-This study aims to analyze the causality relationship between Islamic leadership
style on employee engagement through empirical testing and anthropology economics …
style on employee engagement through empirical testing and anthropology economics …